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News Of The Week

Welcome to this week’s issue of the Books And Articles newsletter. Thanks for all of the quality posts. @plebpoet contributed the top post for the second week in a row. No surprise there! We’re lucky to have her posts here.
This week we also received two more book reviews from @cryotosensei, and @Athena posted two of her bitcoin poems in the territory.
As always, please reply with suggestions and opinions on how to make this territory better.
I hope everyone has a good week.

Top Five Posts Of The Week

Here are this week’s top posts:

Siggy’s Suggestions

I don’t often pick one of the week’s top posts as a suggestion, but this post by @TomK is special. We are all familiar with his high quality posts about economics, but here he gives us something different. We all can learn lessons from the Roman Empire. The post is sort of a book review of a classic. @TomK has inspired me to read it again. It has been a while.
@jbschirtzinger is one of the long content authors who post here. This week one of his posts made the Top Five Posts Of The Week. Here, he gives us his take on the state of the publishing industry, and gives us a look at the challenges he faces. It is an entertaining and informative read.
This week’s Golden Oldie:
I selected this post because I was just having a conversation about this topic. Everywhere I turn people seem to be talking about it. This post prompted some good discussion. Enjoy!

Writing Contests

Stackers’ Blogs

My Bitcoin Journey

Inspired by Writing Contest #1, this is where stacker’s bitcoin origin stories will be posted for easy reference.

Book Clubs


Book Reviews



Short Stories


I had missed this post, Echoes of Empire: Gibbon’s Classic on Rome’s Fall and Its Lessons for Bitcoiners by @tomk
Great post.
It's an evergreen. if you are interested in this epoch, then I recommend the life of emperor julian, as a man of letters by gore vidal. incredible subject an incredible personality in history.
Yes definitely I am interested.
IMO the most tragic vita You could imagine that shaped late antiquity
Thanks for sharing
Thanks! This week has been very good. So much knowledge from highly congnitive articles!
@TomK's book recommendation looks good. I have been thinking about the fall of empires recently and made a mental note that I should look for some good books to read on the subject and suddenly Siggy is here with his weekly newsletter and Tom's post has the kind of thing I am looking for.
Glad that You like it. This is an incredible rabbit hole
I probably mentioned this 10 times here already, but I really recommend John Williams biography on Augustus.
Oh sorry, saw this for the first time. Thank You for the recommendation
Oh, I meant on SN. You probably never saw me mention it. It is fantastic. Check out a few reviews.
I will! After the Feria we'll be in Tarifa again for a month with plenty of time. I need some good books.... thanks again
Nice write up! Your addition of section is great and it'll tell Stackers that they can come with variety of posts for ~booksandarticles
Hey, thanks for the mention! I was really hoping that article might help others who find themselves in a similar situation. Cutting down the time it takes to find a solution if you find yourself floating in a void has generally got to be a good thing since time is something none of us can buy more of. I don't appreciate the time these platforms (like amazon) soak up for petty issues they could easily solve by snapping their technological fingers. It isn't as if they don't have the budget...
Right now I am reading "The Mountain is You' countless thought provoking components to this book from a personal growth angle. Highly recommend the audible as well!
This is huge
people must really love my june books i read up until now HAHA
Thank you I am humbled
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