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Very disturbing. He’s going to jail like he should. Not sure what context this has on our discussion but okay
You’re being deliberately naive
Nah I truly don’t understand what you are showing me. Am i supposed to think blacks are violent because you show a video of a black teen beating up a white teacher? What point are you trying to make. All I said was charts like the one you posted are fodder to say blacks are violent and other races aren’t and I just said it’s not true. Then you post a random video of violence like it’s supposed to prove something
You don’t see this level of violence with other races
The chart says more violent
Emphasis on more
You are claiming everyone is equal which is empirically wrong
That’s false. Ukraine and Russia are at war. We don’t see the gruesome violence that’s going on there.
Plus whites do violent things all the time must I enter mass shootings of innocent school children into this dialogue? Don’t see blacks doing that.
The dude who allegedly shot at Trump was white.
1994 civil war in Rwanda
Maybe we shouldn't count that since it was machetes not firearms
Exactly violence isn’t. Racial thing it’s part of the human condition. Just like Mao Zedong wiping out millions of Chinese