A few examples:
Are these all bad or good. If so why?
  1. Power companies
  2. Hospitals (you may not know this but hospitals in the US are often monopolies in an area)
  3. Money (legal tender laws)
  4. Bitcoin (if you believe it will be the one and only one to win)
  5. Government
I'd only really say monopolies are bad when free entry is restricted by threats of violence.
I'd also say that no matter how much market share bitcoin ever acquires, it won't be a monopoly, because there will always be the threat of entry by competing currencies.
What often goes unappreciated when discussing monopolies is how broad the scope is for consumers to substitute with other goods and services, or alter their lifestyles to reduce their demand. As long as people aren't forced to buy something, monopoly power is pretty limited.
This^^^ - I definitely think Monopolies are fine as long as free market competition is still occurring as well.
Yet again we agree