This youtube video is from a very popular Spanish language travel channel. I don't think bitcoin is mentioned once, but the narrators are surprised at the cleanliness, construction, and improved quality of life they have discovered. There are English subtitles.
they are argentinians :)
Damn, I'd love to move there but this looks like a bitcoin honeypot for kidnappers/harrassers to me. I prefer being low profile and in El Salvador you're somewhat exposed.
I love these differing views rather than the rose-colored glasses of bitcoiners. These are all fair points made from when I last visited el salvador!
Is that all due to bitcoin, though?
Probably not. Part of it is having an authoritarian type leader like Mussolini who got the trains running on time in Italy. I'm kidding (a little)
Once a country feels better about itself, and the moral is up, everything will improve.
Great to get a view of things from a non bitcoiner lens.