Huh I dont remember seeing that article but tbh I still don't think we would have been able to execute it to the level that we have and if we did I think we would have done a top-notch job at framing Russia with no chance of Ukraine ever being thought as the culprit. As soon as people think Ukraine is responsible by default the US comes into focus and then the CIA
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Initially, people thought is was silly to suspect Ukraine as the culprit, because they don't have that kind of military capacity or deep sea demolition capability. The US was the prime suspect right away.
Organized by the UK, fulfilled by a coalition of ukranians, poles and 'friends' from Norway.
Because it is so apparent it would be the US is kinda what makes me think maybe it was someone in the Middle East who needed a reason to build out their LNG like the UAE, Qatar, I think Saudi has it as well since they have so much crude oil.....