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The bankers and creditors are starting to tighten. This is healthy, and has happened in previous cycles. History repeats itself here.
Inevitable part of the cycle, only question is how much deflation can they tolerate before they fire up the printers again, and how is it that distributed.
the closer we get to elections the higher the probability. at least that has been my thought process. as always it's just a wait and see game.
Biden or Kamala will promise to forgive all credit card debt then blame the greedy banks
That would be too smart of a move and they're cast as the clowns, Trump would have to say it first for them to copy.
My guess is whoever ends up on the ballot for the DNC will just deny there's a financial crisis while the deep state margin calls whomever they don't like and consolidates power. The elections are so patently fake at this point I can't imagine them bending over backwards for votes.
I do think debt forgiveness is inevitable, less they start shoving us in pods now, because they could ultimately do that anyway by calling in loans. For that reason I think republicans will be the ones to do it, after some new "black swan" makes it palatable ofc... some hybrid of UBI and Debt forgiveness string-attached stimmies
My money is still on a constitutional convention at some point
People are trying to afford taxes, they can't pay their loans
shocker... but wait "our economy is strong" ...lol
Of course, people dont know how to take care of their finances.
yes and no:
Delinquencies have been concentrated among credit cards originated in the last few years and we show these credits cards were much riskier than in previous years. Two factors explain this extra risk: First, lending standards loosened a bit in 2021 and 2022 judging by a decline in credit scores at origination. At the same time, pandemic aid and forced savings pushed average credit scores up sharply. Effectively, by not tightening significantly, lenders were originating cards much further down the risk spectrum. We show this shifting risk composition explains why delinquencies are higher than in 2019.
there is two side to every transaction. the due diligence here falls on the creditor.
First off, if you cant pay your balance, that is a financing problem.
i think we are saying the same thing. it's not so black and white. let's do a little hypothetical scenario:
I need a car to get a job. I go to my bank and ask for a loan. The bank sees i don't have a job but i have some savings. my credit is not great but it's not terrible either. Usually they would not approve the loan because i do not show enough income to cover my loan expense. They give it to me anyways for whatever reason. this is great! i get the car, and the job. everything is good, I'm paying off the loan as promised. then one day something happens and the company i work for needs to cut staff. i get laid off. I still pay the loan off but now i can't find another job. the job market is really bad for everyone. what do i do? eventually i will have to choose between paying the loan or paying rent or feeding my family. i end up missing a payment and another while i look for another job. I never wanted to miss a payment, but i had to because of conditions that are not in my control.
life plays out like this. this is why the data on the charts help us understand how the economy is doing in some ways. if everyone is paying off their loans, then the economy is doing well. if they are not, then we're seeing some pain points that can point out trouble.
You sell the car right away and walk to your new job. or take public transport.
But why its declining
Serious problem.
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