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Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
🫣😭The crypto world is disappointed: Donald Trump and Elon Musk did not say a word! The new Republican presidential candidate in the USA, former President Donald Trump, gave an interview to Elon Musk, who clearly showed what he owns. The two met on the X Space broadcast at around 01:00 UTC. System error, started late The intense interest in the broadcast caused the interview to start late. Musk claimed that a DDOS attack was organized. Musk, whose milk test periods were over, who could be followed simultaneously with 8 million people before the broadcast, then started the broadcast with a limited number. The daily broadcast in the morning hours has been listened to by more than 16 million people. Crypto and #Bitcoin were not discussed In the interview, the fact that the duo, who are not far from Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, did not say anything in this area in any way created dream results. It turned out that Trump made some remarks about crypto on the crypto-based betting and prediction site Polymarket and more than 4 million dollars were bet. A total of 800 thousand bets were made for the "crypto" quality. The audience also did not hear the words “Bitcoin” or “Tesla” from Trump. Trump, who provided support and durability to the sector, especially Bitcoin mining companies, in the event that he became president, the silence of this technology has also created surprises as imagined in the crypto world. As it will be remembered, El Salvador President Nayib Bukele recently gave an interview to famous programmer Tucker Carlson and not a single word of Bitcoin was uttered on the broadcast. Musk also stated that he would be happy to meet Kamala Harris again on a Space broadcast.
Day 200 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow, 32 diamond, 32 pike, 32 pseudo; Total: 224 (Day 304 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 203 of 120+ pushups per day)
What an excellent Trump and Musk interview. I have hope for this future, not one under Kamala. Scary times we are in - especially with the betting markets giving Kamala 60% chance of win and trump 40% chance of winning.
Does it matter where it was mined?
JUST IN: Marathon announces its now stamping each #Bitcoin block it mines with "Made in USA" 🇺🇸
Cool I like it!
Remember the famous phrase: “DIVIDE AND CONQUER.” What you are witnessing, most likely, is the divide. It is an illusion. There is no division. There is no “us and them.” There is only us.
Some of us are the enemy (they need to be eliminated)
support 2 genders? no support open immigration? yes support borders? no are you citizen of a country? no are you a global citizen? yes
These are enemies of us
they need to be eliminated
Bruh... 🤦‍♂️
Division is real
We see it here on SN
Anyone who supports gun control needs to be shot
Little late for Fun Fact Friday so this will be a @saloon exclusive fact:
The singular word of spaghetti is spaghetto.
#Ph-SN022 Underwater 🤿🌊 A few years ago I had the wonderful opportunity to live in the Caribbean, specifically on Margarita Island - Venezuela. This particular photo was taken on Cubagua Island. With a Gopro while we were swimming over the ruins of a sunken ship, an unforgettable experience. I just left the camera on the boat to take a photo with the automatic trigger, and that fish landed next to me at the exact moment. 🐟 I keep stacking and continue with my personal challenge of publishing a daily photo until I reach the goal of 100, 1000. And I hope that my stack will one day bring me closer to my lands and my Caribbean waters again. 🌊🏝️
Hey gang!!! My bad on posting this late in the day, it's 1.34 pm right now, but had a busy day at the school, setting up the classroom for my students, anyways, it's the beginning of a new week, August is at half, almost, but let's set our weekly goals and get things moving forward, hope you relaxed and enjoyed a good meal with friends, family or alone, as long as you enjoyed it and felt relaxed, remember that it's important to be thankful for things and be thankful for what you will receiving, change your mentality and make believe you already have the thing you're asking for and thank for it, it will come true, I promise you it will. Anyways, may your day be a magnificent one and may it be filled with success and love. Always moving forward and keep your eye on the ball. As always my friend, be well and stay frosty!!
Thinking about how much depression there is on my mom's side of the family today for some reason. Mom is an addict, her brother hung himself, her sister OD'd last year. It's so freaking sad how damaged you can be when the world is so beautiful.
I was hanging with a bitcoiner last year and we were talking about the south, and I made a self-deprecating joke that my family is white trash, I said "we are white trash." And it still gives me cringe, because he reacted as if I was talking about him and other white people in the south, and I didn't catch it well enough in the moment to underline that I meant that only about my family.
I posted this poem about my grandma's death today, sort of in a similar stream to your ponderings
damaged brains might not be able to perceive beauty damaged brains might be experiencing a lot of pain due to damage damaged brains may seek to alleviate or escape such pain
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The red|blue programming is strong but most of the time if you follow the money and game theory you can find the truth. They focus on points of disagreement while pushing through the agendas of the power elite. These social topics are of little concern but are used as levers to gain attention and distract from their deeper agendas.
The only way for plebs to win is to refuse to play. Gain wealth and sovereignty. Build community and resilience. Withdraw support. Don't me a political whore. Don't be that girl that goes back to the lying boyfriend that beats her. Have some self respect. We don't need politicians. They need us.
This is the way!
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
So, apparently, Bitcoin City, is still going on! El Salvador is plaing big here. But if they do a Bitcoin City, they will have to move all there, and reconstruct the rest of the countr which is very precarious.
El Salvador Announces $1.6 BILLION Private Investment - the biggest in the nation's history.
$1.6 billion investment by Yilport Holding will modernise the port at Acajutla and build a new port at La Union, where Bitcoin City is planned.
Baseball game tonight with old work buddies!
Awesome. What game are you going to?
Day 199 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow; Total: 128 (Day 303 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 202 of 120+ pushups per day)
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
Downloads Fedi
Ahh yes okay that’s next?
(Silence) 😫
If you are reacting, you are late, you are the Fed.
Day #35 of nut 🌰 dropping 🥜 in the Saloon
Want to harvest this nut? https://docs.cashu.space/wallets
gone 😓
They are fast. Within 20 minutes yours 'vanished' too. I'm gonna try something different tomorrow.
Something like this: cashuAeyJ0b2tlbiI6W3sibWludCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vbWlu[lowercaseD]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
Day 95 of my 10000 daily steps challenge. Best for this new week!
Keep crushing it!
Whip Up a Meme About SN Using This Template 👀 #644500
Day 238 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 775 sats on 11Aug2024! Running total: 153,549 sats!
day 11: 44 sats on 11-8-2024 total 446 sats!
what is the meaning of these repeating daily posts? that i am more of something today than i was yesterday? that the network still operates? that stackers support each other? are they a moment of prayer or meditation or gratitude? 🤔
GM ⚡☕🧡
Stack Sats and stay humble!
Good morning!
oh wow Comment number 19. Something held me up like usual.
131 sats \ 1 reply \ @fed 12 Aug 2024
Day 46 of collecting taxes from stackers.
Collected so far: amount of sats redacted.
Is there a way to know which method of auth was used for a nym here?
Say you signed up here with an email or with a lightning wallet, set a nym, and then forgot about the actual email or wallet used for the registration.
I'd like to allow stackers to add labels, but currently, we hash your email and lightning auth is similarly irreversible and unique to every domain - so even we don't know those.
Yeah because even emails have different user@domain.com or user@dom.com features so it gets tricky.
Without access to the account, I don’t think there’s any way to know how an account was created/authed, probably for the sake of privacy. I imagine one could contact k00b for assistance, but not sure how much info he would give out, without proof of ownership somehow.
better use nostr login
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After 7 weeks of correcting my class, one person finally consistently capitalises and punctuates everything that is needed within a sentence!
Because > cuz
Day 2 of my daily posting journey, after my cowboy hat was taken by the windstorm that blew in from the west.
previously: #644460 🤠⚡

In a world full of copies, Be an original.
simply be yourself:)

Civil Disobedience

There have been many calls for “Civil Disobedience” in retaliation against tyranny throughout history, however making the claim of “Civil” disobedience acknowledges “your title” and therefore position within a society.
This action is “acceptance” of operating within the jurisdiction of a society or “community” controlled by others, namely the state, and your agreement that you have no status, and therefore no rights, within it.
Meaning you have no right to disobey any command, and your actions have become threatening to the society you agreed to be a part of.
The result of which is you have now become an “Extremist”, meaning “the state”, which controls “the society” can now act upon you.
Why disobey when you had no obligation to start with?
Why disobey when you had no obligation to start with?
Very good question !
"Make sure it's connected before you start talking."
Anyone in Italy? #644918
Day 97 of posting till next Bitcoin halving
Day 485 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and day 49 of trimmin' the fat (93.1 | 80.0 | 4.5).
A very fast snail
Snail is fast today. 🐌
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Good morning stacker
I am form Nepal
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