Economists were/are some of the most sought after breeds in the world. The reason is simple, they have the ability to predict the outcome of the any financial decision.
There are/were many famous and great economists in the world. It seems as if all matched each other in quality. But we're here at Stacker News poll, we'll find out who is the best economist of this world?
So, tell SN, Who, according to you is the best economist?
Abhijit Banerjee4.8%
Adam Smith33.3%
Alberto Alesina0.0%
Carmen Reinhart0.0%
Daron Acemoglu0.0%
Hernando de Soto0.0%
James Heckman0.0%
John Maynard Keynes4.8%
Milton Friedman23.8%
Other ( Write in comment box)33.3%
21 votes \ poll ended