
Although the official narrative of the title “civilian” means a person not in the armed services, or a “non-combatant”, or “private citizen”, the true nature of this title dates back over 2000 years.
Before people were referred to as “civilians”, they were called “plebeians” within Ancient Roman society, who were a group of lower class commoners, under the rule and control of the upper class called Patricians.
These Patricians ruled over the Plebeians using a bureaucratic system of “law” which over time became Civil Procedure Code, or “law”, which is controlled today by the BAR association.
Therefore anyone within the jurisdiction of this society was under the authority of “civil law”, and became a “Civilian”.
Excellent note... IMO in conclusion they only changed our terminology. We went from calling ourselves "plebeians" to now being called "civilians"
impressive trick to fool people nowadays. Good pill!