"Writing teaches you to develop the ability to understand," emphasized Hannah Arendt in a 1964 interview with German journalist Günter Gaus.
This phrase made me reflect. When you write here on Stacker News — or when you try to write, even in an amateurish way, because not all of us are writers — when you attempt to formulate your thoughts, you are simultaneously cultivating the ability to think. The process of writing requires you to think, to think logically, so that the text you're writing makes sense and has logical continuity.
According to the Socratic method—the so-called maieutic method—the flow of a conversation, especially when structured in a question-and-answer format, enhances the art of reasoning, bringing to the surface truths we didn't know we possessed, truths hidden in some dark corner of our memory.
As a result, when someone tries to write, they are doing themselves a great favor because they are giving themselves the opportunity to organize their thoughts, refine them, and formulate them accurately and reasonably.
Stacker News is an excellent opportunity for all of us. An excellent opportunity to practice the art of writing and, as a result, to cultivate the art of thinking. By thinking, we come to understand things better, and the learning process becomes easier.
What do Stackers think?
I never feel more comfortable with my knowledge on a topic than after preparing learning material for students or colleagues.
That naturally implies researching the topic, summarising, and writing it down. The last part is what takes the most time and it's when all my 'Eureka' moments strike.
...they are giving themselves the opportunity to organize their thoughts, refine them, and formulate them accurately and reasonably.
Far too many do not take the time or make the effort to take this opportunity to actually organize thoughts. I think social media, like X makes this better for some, but worse for others. Some use the character limits to better organize while others use it as an excuse to just spew.
I think it is self-evident the effort you take to write, @Nadia, ads great value to SN.
People just have diarrhea of the mind on social media. I feel people put more thought into posts here. And most of the comments arent garbage, even though I dont agree with some. @Nadia writing is always a pleasure to read and digest!
Thank you! I’m trying to do my best. Not having English as my primary language, make things more difficult for me, but I try to express my thoughts.
I have never been too big of a writer up until stacker news. I liked writing in my journal on occasion, and I maybe wrote a couple blogs - but in the end I think it is good to get your thoughts out there. Especially in the fourth turning times we are in, I like understanding peoples concerns, potential, thought processes & plans for the future.
What I have understand, here are appreciated the thoughts not so much the writings skills.
Very good article about the art of writing!
By thinking, we come to understand things better, and the learning process becomes easier.
This one is the best one out of of all the best things you said about writing.
Good comments challenge a writer's thinking
I agree completely. I think it will be interesting to see what social media could look like if / when the incentives change from monetizing user attention to monetizing value brought to the user re: zaps.
I think you could end up seeing more thoughtful and longform posts that go a little deeper than is currently the norm and are more constructive in envisioning a positive future rather than emotional reactions to the current event.
I could also see the focus shifting from current events back to the personal interests, community building, and collaboration which would be cool too.
I absolutely agree!
I can’t agree more with you. Writing has become an itch that I need to scratch every day. Sometimes, it’s for the zaps, but other times, I use it as a meditative and contemplative practice, to calm myself down, to gain clarity, to develop sharpness about a topic.
Great post!
Writing is a skill.
Writing is becoming a dying art, especially good writing. People arent able to put their thoughts on paper anymore, logically.
Another reminder to start writing my personal journal on paper.
Astute observation