pull down to refresh

I just added pl and pu recently, annoyed with the default behavior of a pull/push when you don't specify a remote and a refspec. It made me curious what aliases stackers are packing.
[alias] co = checkout br = branch ci = commit st = status lg = log --oneline pl = !git pull $(git config branch.$(git name-rev --name-only HEAD).remote) $(git config branch.$(git name-rev --name-only HEAD).merge) pu = !git push $(git config branch.$(git name-rev --name-only HEAD).remote) $(git branch --show-current):$(git config branch.$(git name-rev --name-only HEAD).merge)
[alias] rb = rebase -S co = checkout ci = commit -S ic = commit -S cp = cherry-pick -S br = branch st = status lg = log --graph --format='%C(yellow)%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %C(green)(%ar) %C(cyan)<%an>%Creset' branches = branch -a desc = describe last = log -1 HEAD pom = pull origin master remotes = remote -v tags = tag -l unstage = reset HEAD -- ft = fetch --all rs1 = reset --soft HEAD~1 rs2 = reset --soft HEAD~2 rs3 = reset --soft HEAD~3 rs4 = reset --soft HEAD~4 rs5 = reset --soft HEAD~5 rs6 = reset --soft HEAD~6 rs7 = reset --soft HEAD~7 rs8 = reset --soft HEAD~8 rs9 = reset --soft HEAD~9 rh = reset --hard rh1 = reset --hard HEAD~1 rh2 = reset --hard HEAD~2 rh3 = reset --hard HEAD~3 rh4 = reset --hard HEAD~4 rh5 = reset --hard HEAD~5 rh6 = reset --hard HEAD~6 rh7 = reset --hard HEAD~7 rh8 = reset --hard HEAD~8 rh9 = reset --hard HEAD~9 df = diff --compact-summary master oc = checkout ps = push psh = push phs = push psuh = push phus = push phsu = push puhs = push push-f = push -f puhs-f = push-f push0f = push -f puhs0f = push -f add-p = add -p ds = diff --staged
also have this to pull in the lastest version of a branch from upstream
function update() { git fetch --multiple upstream origin if [ -n "$1" ] then git checkout $1 git merge remotes/upstream/$1 else git checkout master git merge remotes/upstream/master fi git push -f }
My favorite that makes me chuckle when I have to use it in the clown world with my clients is git commies
I'll steal your pl and pu (no idea how that magic works but looks cool) @k00b
[alias] co = checkout cob = checkout -b com = checkout master commies = checkout main st = status adddd = add -A cim = commit -m pushoo = push origin HEAD br = branch po = pull origin hist = log --pretty=format:\"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]\" --graph --date=short type = cat-file -t dump = cat-file -p ws = diff --check ciam = !git add -A && git commit -n -m pulloo = pull origin rename = branch -m showalias = config --get-regexp alias delete = branch -D f = fetch edit = config --global --edit undo = reset HEAD~
Here are some bash aliases for git. Need to cull this list as well.
gclean is pretty handy if you hate having a ton of old branches locally. It lists all merged branches and deletes the local branches that have been merged.
# Git alias ungit="find . -name '.git' -exec rm -rf {} \;" alias gb='git branch' alias gba='git branch -a' alias gc='git commit -v' alias gca='git commit -v -a' alias gf='git fetch' if [ $(uname) == "Darwin" ]; then alias gcb="git branch | grep '^\*' | cut -d' ' -f2 | pbcopy" fi if [ $(uname) == "Linux" ]; then alias gcb="git branch | grep '^\*' | cut -d' ' -f2 | xclip -sel c" fi # Commit pending changes and quote all args as message function gg() { git commit -v -a -m "$*" } alias gco='git checkout' alias gcod='git checkout develop' alias gcob='git checkout -b' alias gd='git diff' alias gdm='git diff master' function gdx() { git diff $1 $2 | gitx } alias gl='git pull' alias gnp="git-notpushed" alias gp='git push' alias g='git status' alias ga-modified="git status | grep modified | cut -d':' -f2 | xargs git add" # Get and merge upstream repo alias gups='git fetch upstream && git merge upstream/master' alias eg='vim .git/config' alias egg='vim ~/.gitconfig' # Lists all merged branches and deletes the local branchs alias gclean="git branch --merged | grep -v -i -E 'master|main|develop' | xargs -n 1 git branch -d"
Been a while since I have audited my git config. Need to cull the herd...
Several of these I used in previous jobs and never use any more. Still have some MacOS style ones with pbcopy (though I do have an alias to xclip on Linux).
[alias] br = branch ci = commit co = checkout datetag = !git tag `date "+%Y_%m_%d_%H%M"` df = diff # Show modified files in last commit. diffall = diff HEAD diffstaged = diff --staged nextrelease = log origin/dev ^origin/main --no-merges dl = "!git ll -1" # Show a diff last commit. dlc = diff --cached HEAD^ filelog = log --oneline --no-merges -- fl = log -t u init = init --template ~/.git_template # List oneline commits showing relative dates. ld = log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h\\ %ad%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%cn]" --decorate --date=relative # List oneline commits showing dates. lds = log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h\\ %ad%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%cn]" --decorate --date=short lg = log -p # List commits showing changed files is invoked with git ll and looks like this. ll = log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%cn]" --decorate --numstat logm = log --author="kepford" --decorate lol = log --graph --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%cn]" --decorate lola = log --graph --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%cn]" --decorate --all lolm = log --author="kepford" --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit ls = ls-files # Copies today's commits by me on a branch. today = "!git log --since=6am --author="kepford" --decorate --abbrev-commit | grep -vwE \"(Author:|Date:)\" | pbcopy | pbpaste | cat" sa = stash apply sl = stash list ss = stash save st = status # Commits on current branch. Assumes the branch was created from develop. thisbranch = log --no-merges dev.. undolast = reset --soft Head^ unstage = reset HEAD # diff-highlight http://theunixtoolbox.com/git-diff-highlight/ worddiff = !git diff --color | diff-highlight | less -r
I like a simpler status, so adding -sb to my status alias.
Also, saw this one once which I find handy!
se = !git rev-list --all | xargs git grep -F
200 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 9 Aug 2024
[alias] i = "!f(){ git init && git commit -m 'initial commit' --allow-empty; };f" s = status -sb l = log -10 --oneline rl = reflog -10 cb = checkout -b b = branch bd = branch -d ch = "!f(){ git checkout --quiet \"$1\" && git status; };f" a = add aa = "!f(){ git add --all && git status; };f" co = commit oc = commit f = fetch d = diff ds = diff --staged pr = pull --rebase rbi = rebase --autosquash -i ca = commit --amend r = reset excl = "!f(){ [ ! -z \"$1\" ] && echo \"$1\" >> .git/info/exclude; };f" # TODO: support multiple arguments with shift readd = "!git diff --staged --name-only | xargs git add" rd = "readd" fixup = commit --fixup
I especially like the common typo oc for co
[alias] co = checkout cob = checkout -b coo = !git fetch && git checkout br = branch brd = branch -d st = status aa = add -A . unstage = reset --soft HEAD^ cm = commit -m cma = commit -am amend = commit --amend -m fix = commit --fixup undo = reset HEAD~1 rv = revert cp = cherry-pick pu = !git push origin `git branch --show-current` fush = push -f mg = merge --no-ff rb = rebase rbc = rebase --continue rba = rebase --abort rbs = rebase --skip rom = !git fetch && git rebase -i origin/master --autosquash save = stash push pop = stash pop apply = stash apply rl = reflog
I got them from somewhere, I don't remember, In fact I just realized I never use them at all, it was just lying around in my git config, I'm a simple git user and rarely need any of those. It also helps that I'm using fish as my shell, the autocompletion is fantastic I never worry about repeating long commands.
Great idea for a post. I could do several like this on different things. Thanks for sharing @k00b. Love stuff like this.
I was adding these, then I recalled how useful my existing ones were, then it occurred to me to just ask if anyone had any good ones too.
These kinds of discussions, where the participation effort has been stored (e.g. config files or memories) and doesn't require much effort to participate in in the moment, are usually very fruitful.
This is cool. I am not an engineer but I am fascinated by the way engineers make notes to themselves within code or things like this where they make their own abbreviations that are unique to their own style.
Very inside baseball.
There are tradeoffs. It can be a crutch to make an alias if you ever have to use a system without your aliases. But there's always the Internet
Awesome idea! I'm going to definitely borrow some of these!
apparently I do it backwards, use vscode for git and aliases for "ci"
alias authdeploy='cd ~/auth && git pull && cd client && npm run build && cd .. && sudo systemctl restart auth'
Oh man I have a bunch. I'll work to share them here soon
@remindme in 3 hours to share my git aliases
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