I do the same type zapping. That is something to consider. I see it as only another data point. The first indication should obviously be the quality of the post.
I was thinking more about the admittedly rare posts with 50-100k sats and 1 zapper. Usually these are new stackers looking to game the system.
That's a gamble too though because if you zap 50k sats to your own post you are paying 5k in fees. There is no guarantee you will get 5k more zaps to that post or 5k in rewards for being in the top 10. So people may try it and it is good to be on the look out for but I don't think it will be common.
True. SN has put up barriers. The main reason I would like to have the info is not Sybil related. It's just another way to quickly find posts that haven't been zapped many sats, but which could be worthwhile. I use # of comments for that too. I know zaprank takes that into consideration, but it's just one of the many ingredients of the magic sauce.