with a little education and research... I set up an LND node, opened a channel to an exchange/public node and it works great. swapped out to get inbound liquidity, and connected to it over zeus, all over tor of course. now i'm here on SN sending and receiving sats to it.
I absolutely get some of the criticisms of lightning... but what am i missing? It fundamentally works. Yes with more and more 'adoption' fees will go up, and opening a channel will be more expensive. But let's face it the demand isn't there right now and that's with 60k+ bitcoin. It's suddenly going to increase 10-fold (actual demand, not nft or ordinal speculation) because... when? These other 'solutions' in my humble opinion seem sometimes like a solution in search of a problem. It seems to me that on-chain bitcoin will be relatively rare... and usually just to open lightning channels. Then people will have custodial (easy mode) or non-custodial (value mode) lightning channels and most sending will take place there. Trying to add all this 'capacity' without demand for it just seems off to me. People can transact now.