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As the title says, I am relatively new to Bitcoin and just started attending my local meetup which is where my strange "problem" first started. After attending a few local meet ups I started to network with some regulars. I told one of the meet up organizers I connected with to add me on LinkedIn and when I told him my full name he basically scoffed at me. Before I had the chance to ask him what was wrong he started laughing and telling other people at the meetup (including people I didn't know at all which bothered me a bit) who also kind of scoffed or laughed. I was a little embarrassed and confused by it all and I still don't quite understand it.
I have to dox myself here for the necessary context but my full legal name is Dennis Porter. Apparently there is a relatively famous person in the Bitcoin industry who I was unaware of who is also named Dennis Porter. After the meetup incident I looked him up and he seems to be a political activist of some sort. I glanced at his social media profiles and read some random articles that came up in Google and he seems like a pretty normal person who publicly advocates for Bitcoin. I listened to a podcast I found with him and I liked what he had to say, for the most part. I guess my point is, there is nothing special or controversial about him from what I could tell.
However, anytime I attend a meetup people loudly announce, "Oh hey Dennis Porter is here!" or "I can't believe Dennis Porter has honored our meetup by attending" and other seemingly sarcastic remarks to that end. One girl called me "Penis Porter" also which is kind of funny. They told me I should be very careful because I might have issues getting into Bitcoin conferences in the future if I choose to attend but I am not really sure what they mean by that.
All of it is really confusing. Does anyone know much about the "famous" Dennis Porter? Is there some embarrassing or controversial thing he has said or done that I should be aware of? I understand that everyone at my meet up is joking around and I truly love going to my meetup and I have made great friends. I just am a little confused and frankly it makes me uncomfortable when people shout my full name out in the bars or venues we meet at because they are always busy places full of people who are not associated with our meetup but who now know my full name, what I look like, and that I have Bitcoin.
Any advice or context would be appreciated!
Dennis is a controversial figure in the Bitcoin community. On one hand he gets a lot of credit for being involved in advocating for Bitcoin politically but on the other hand he gets a lot of flak for being a bit of a snake oil salesman. He may have changed his approach a bit but he used to make a lot of grandiose proclamations based off of nothing.
Maybe the boy who cried wolf is a better description than snake oil salesman.
That's fair. I have definitely noticed people's opinions of him are polarized.
I think he has been more measured since starting the SatoshiAct fund.
The best way I can describe the activity he gets flak for is akin to those sports influencers online that are always making unfounded claims of players getting traded or signing with a new team etc that have little to no truth to them but are designed to farm engagement. I think some of the bitcoin community sees Dennis that way. He would be the guy that would tell you he had sources saying Argentina is going to make Bitcoin legal tender because Bukele and Milei had a meeting. That kind of stuff.
Click bait guy. Gotcha.
Yeah. I don’t want to paint him as only that because I think he is doing some good work but it’s nuanced and I think that’s why you are getting the reaction you are.
This is what it probably felt like to be that Japanese guy whose name was actually Satoshi Nakamoto
That feels like kind of a dick response by those people, honestly. You’re new and introducing yourself and they just make fun of you? Not cool.
If it makes you feel any better I have been a bitcoiner for a long ass time and I don't know or care who Dennis Porter is, although the name sounds familiar.
People doxxing you to a whole bar for laughs is a dick move, though. You should respond accordingly.
Also, welcome! We're glad to have you!
"Hey I'm new to bitcoin meetups."
"Oh, thats cool, whats your name?"
"Craig Wright."
Honestly though, even if this guy’s name was Craig Wright*, these folks at the meetup sound like school yard bullies… I hope somebody calls them out if this happens again next month.
*unless he WAS the famous Craig Wright, in which case, release the hounds!
True And lol
I suspect you're the real Dennis Porter!

Hey everyone! We have Dennis Porter among us!!

The real lesson here is to never reveal your legal name in Bitcoin circles
You don't know if there are toxic people present
We call him Pennis Dorter
You had me going until your brought up Pennis Dorter. No way I'm buying someone actually brought that up in real life. Funny post though 🤣🤣
Wow.. you should be honored! There is nothing controversial or embarrassing about it! Dennis is the man. He's orange pilling politicians left and right. I would just tell the people at your meetup to stop doxing you in public all the time though. Not cool of them to do that.
I have already asked them to stop! I will ask them again but more firmly. I need to work on being assertive anyway.
Hilarious story.
Sorry this is happening to you :( it does sound uncomfortable. I don't know the fellow, your namesake, myself.
LOL that is a funny story but na it's good u understand its just a joke and form of comradery don't take no hard feelings the community is awesome welcome! and keep attending! yeah i'd just mention u don't wanna be doxxed
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