If you are reading this post - you are winning!!!
If you are reading this post - you might be a Bitcoiner???
If you are reading this post - I am thankful!
I am simply a commoner - I want simple sounding things - peace, love, happiness you know all the easy, fun feelings that you don't have to deal with because they make you feel good...
I am simply a Bitcoiner - I know the reality of life is that there is no free lunch! We all have to work at making the world a better place by creating value or we are in essence sucking the life from the world/others.
I choose Bitcoin - I don't provide much to the network in terms of development know-how, or technical skills...I can't currently assemble an asic or assemble my own node....but I can and do contribute FIAT to the system or rather - remove my FIAT from their system/systems and provide my energy to the Bitcoin system/systems being developed...
I said I am simply a Bitcoiner...
And while I believe nothing is bad for Bitcoin - even if some of the people using the network do so with bad intentions - they likely just don't understand the protocol and that nothing that seeks to obtain more than it gives will survive for the long haul... it is understandable, I mean until 15 years ago (almost 16) we all grew up in a world based on systems developed to steal from us (not necessarily intentionally but rather as a result of trial and error and the best system "winning" out over the others) and we all could feel something was wrong with it...and we all could look back at history and understand that it was very likely that we would repeat the past destructive cycles since we hadn't really changed anything other than the people running the systems.... but alas this is a Positivity Post....
Bitcoin changed/changes everything.... I mean everything...every paradigm, every concept, every model, every use case, the base layer of every interaction which involves the exchange of value between anyone and everyone will be based upon or compared to being based upon a system built on Bitcoin.
I know there are Bitcoiners out there that don't believe that last statement...and to you I would simply ask that you stop everything you are doing/thinking/feeling and reflect upon the history of your life or life in general and what all your past interactions have been built upon...(more to come on this during future blocks)
I am positive that these blocks we are all living through will be viewed as the beginning times...literally the Bitcoin world is upon us and the choices we make now are laying the foundations of the future of humankind and how we interact with each other. I am 100% certain that (at least some) humans will always make the choice to keep Bitcoin (decentralized and secure) and as such Bitcoin will continue to progress into the future. I am 100% certain that having knowledge of this choice being available will forever be something humanity will strive to adopt and utilize... after all, humans seek to improve upon everything we do...whether its based upon an honest ledger or not...
I believe more than anything that humans will human, and that means we will do whatever it takes to survive and thrive.... Bitcoin will enable us to do that in an honest and abundant manner. Bitcoin will be fought over, Bitcoin will survive. Bitcoin is for us all!