again. you are arguing against points i am not making. the auto industry DID demand mandates against alchohol aand other fuels, and hemp as a body material. some of henry ford's first cars were alcohol fueled with hemp body material.he wanted there to be many choices, but the fossil and steel industries twisted his and the govt. arms. the auto industry has demanded many many regulations over the years. just a lttle bit of research can help you understand this. go ahead, argue with a detroiter. do that. this will be fun.
this territory is moderated
You are from Michigan?
No wonder you believe the myth that Democrats are not socialist. You are still stuck in 1964. Like too many voters in Michigan your views are anachronistic
You said the green stuff is no less socialism. Your statement is incorrect.
Making hemp illegal is less serious than making gas illegal
Edit: you still live in Detroit? Seek inspiration from Barry Gordy and Motown records