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The United States is a what? It's widespread that the United States is short for saying the United States of America, but how exactly can an entire country be on the same playing field as Apple, Amazon, Facebook, or Microsoft corporations? It is accurate, and Congress does not hide the truth in their codes and statutes.
It may sound awkward to the majority because the elected officials never refer to the country as a company. In Title 28 U.S. Code § 3002 section 15, "United States" means
  • (A) a Federal corporation. The United States Corporation's Articles of Incorporation, file number 100009, was filed with the Secretary of State of New York, July 15, 1925, with its principal office in the Centennial Building, Tallahassee, Leon County. Section three and four states,
    • (Section Three) The maximum number of shares, which this corporation is authorized to have outstanding at any time is ONE HUNDRED (100), each of which shares shall have a par value of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100).
    • (Section Four) The amount of capital with which the corporation will begin business is FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500).
A certified copy of this imperative historical document can be obtained in Florida, revealing that the corporation is perpetual, meaning everlasting. The certificate provides its directors as Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and Secretary of the United States Corporation. These individuals are the private officers; the public officers known as Donald Trump and Mike Pence or Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. However, this document is indeed not the origin of the United States of America.
In March of 1861, Abraham Lincoln gave his first inaugural speech. Surprisingly, the address translated to the English language from the Arabic language and many other treaties the United States has with the Aboriginal and Indigenous people. They were here in North, South, and Central America, long before Columbus. A straightforward search within the Library of Congress to find his speech titled Abraham Lincoln First Inaugural Address (1861)1. Some keynotes to address regarding the President's speech. First, they are high tensions coming from the southern states regarding their property (i.e., their slaves) and President Lincoln's policy regarding the subject matter. He states that he has no plans to interfere with the slave trade in those particular states. Anyone who has studied history on a general level understands that Lincoln is known as the Great Emancipator, who freed the "black" slaves from involuntary servitude in 1865. Yet, he states he does not want to get involved with the institution of slavery.
Secondly, the proof of a mistranslation from the Arabic language to the English language when Lincoln states, "It is found in nearly all the published speeches of "him" who now addresses you." If Lincoln is the one giving the speech, he would not address himself as "Him" in the third person but instead in the first person, such as, "It is found in nearly all the published speeches that I have addressed you." One could think, how can such a mistake happen within an undisputable lawful congressional record? A more accurate question would be, why is President Lincoln speaking in Arabic in his inaugural speech in North America in 1861? Surprisingly, Latin was the common language in the entire world. There are words in one language that do not exist in another language to describe it adequately. The congressional record continues to reveal that President Lincoln explains how the corporation became to be 2
According to President Lincoln, the United States Corporation found its existence from the Articles of Association in 1774. So what exactly are articles of association? The Articles is a document that specifies the regulations for a company's operation and defines its purpose. A company's articles of incorporation detail what the organization can and cannot do. Including appointing directors and handling financial records. Very similar to a select group of individuals who decide to start a corporation or LLC, and its articles of incorporation or organization must be approved by the state's Secretary of State because the corporation or LLC is seeking existence from the state in which it will transact business. The most obvious question is, if the individuals who seek to start a company must first obtain approval from the Secretary of State, then who approved the United States Corporation's articles? What authority permitted the U.S. corporation to exist? After all, Abraham Lincoln did say that the Constitution did not come about until 1787. To answer this question, examining the Articles One3 and Two4 of Association, 1774 itself, should provide great insight. It reads,
The first article tells us that commerce took place under British America, and various merchandise would cease importation from Great Britain to East-India. A more important fact is found in the second article, that no slave of any kind, meaning voluntary or involuntary servitude, would be allowed due to the slave trade being discontinued. How is it that slavery was allowed within the Southern States as Lincoln addressed and then abolished in North America in 1865 if slavery was never intended to occur as per the initial document that created the United States in 1774? Another fair question is, who exactly were the slaves involved in the slave trade during that time? A lot of attention and condemnation is directed towards the African slave trade tragedy. The 16th and 19th century is when this took place. However, another equally despicable trading of humans was taking place around the same time in the Mediterranean's proximity. The Barbary pirates enslaved approximately 1.25 million Europeans, and their lives were just as pitiful as the Africans. They were referred to as the white slaves of the Barbary Slave Trade. Slavery is one of the oldest transactions known to man, and the records of the slave trade date back to The Code of Hammurabi in Babylon in the 18th century, are available. People from virtually every significant culture, civilization, and religious background have made slaves of their own and enslaved other peoples. However, comparatively little attention is focused on the prolific slave trade carried out by the pirates of corsairs along the Barbary coast (as the Europeans called it in that period) in what is now the empire of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya beginning around 1600 AD. In the 13th and 14th centuries, Christian pirates were primarily from Catalonia and Sicily, which conquered all admiralty seas, posing a constant threat to merchants. It was not until the Ottoman Empire's expansion in the 15th century that the Barbary corsairs started to become an irritable problem to Christian vessels. While the Barbary slave trade is depicted as Muslim corsairs capturing white Christian victims, the pirates were not concerned with the ethnicity or religious orientation of those held in captivity. Slaves in Barbary could be of any color with multiple backgrounds: black, brown or white, Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Jewish, or Muslim. It was all about their class of commercial status, which dictated slavery or not. The pirates were not only Muslim; however, English privateers and Dutch captains of the Dutch India Trading Company also exploited the ever-changing loyalties of how neighboring friends could quickly become enemies and enemies' could become colleagues with the stroke of a pen as per private contracts.
The captive slaves by the Barbary pirates faced a dark and horrible future. Many perished on the ships during the long voyage back to North Africa (North America, at this time) due to disease or lack of sustenance and hydration. Those who survived were taken to slave markets where they would stand for hours while buyers inspected them before selling at public or private auctions. Once slaves were purchased, they were immediately forced to work in several ways. Men were assigned to hard manual labor using their strength, such as working the quarries or heavy strenuous construction, while women and children were used for housework or sexual servitude. At night, the slaves were placed into prisons called bagnios that were uncomfortably hot and overcrowded. However, the worst fate for a Barbary slave could endure working the oars of galleys. Rowers were shackled together, seated, and never allowed to stand or leave their post. No form of privacy was allowed in the oars, only sleeping, eating, defecation, and urination at the oars' seat. Managing overseers would crack the whip over the bare backs of any slaves considered not to be working hard enough. As previously stated, Dutch captains were working alongside the Barbary pirates, who were associated with a significant Atlantic Slave Trade company named the Dutch West India Company, whose native name is Geoctrooieerde Westindische Compagnie. It was a Chartered West India Company founded on June 3, 1621, by Willem Usselincx and Jesse de Forest and other Dutch merchants and foreign investors. The company was permitted a charter for a trade monopoly founded within the Dutch West Indies. It is known that the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands granted this permission under the empire of Morocco and gave jurisdiction over Dutch participation in the Atlantic Slave Trade, Brazil, the Caribbean, and North America. Looking back at Walt Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean's film franchise, British America always displayed their Dutch West or East India Company flag while at sail, fighting against the pirates (i.e., Barbary pirates). All slaves within the company were classified as the Dutch West India Company employees and took on the identity, Indian! This is where the term Indian originates. The trading company could operate in West Africa and the Americas, which further included what is known today as the United States' outlying possessions.
There were slaves of all skin tones coming to the Americas, not just from Africa, contrary to popular belief, as told in public school textbooks. To refer back to the original question, who played the Secretary of State's role authorizing the Articles of Association of 1774 permitting the British America Corporation to transact agricultural and merchandise business on North American lands? The great Moor, the Sultan, in connection with his Majesty's King George, governed many dominions and permitted the Anglo-Saxon traders from Great Britain to begin their agricultural conquest on the east of North America (ancient Egypt – Mehomitan Nation), which developed into the Thirteen Colonies, which led to the development of the Department of Agriculture in 1862. The Atlantic Slave Trade aligned with the Dutch West India Trading Company, on the colonies' territories, found its way into the Southern States of America. Now, what exactly is a Moor? A Moor is currently known today as a Black or African American, with a complexion formerly known as swarthy (dark olive-skinned) or tawny (yellowish, red, golden-skinned). The term Moor is throughout the I599 Geneva Bible, describing everyone to be swarthy and tawney complexion. The newer translated bibles purposely replace the Moors with Phoenicians, Ethiopians, Greeks, or Hebrews. Intermarrying took place between the Moors and the less-melanated slaves, referred to as quadroons, a person who is one-quarter Moor ancestry, and octoroons, a person who is one-eighth Moor ancestry, or hexadecaroons, which is a person who has one-sixteenth Moor ancestry. Intermarrying led to mulatto's (a person mixed white and Moor ancestry, especially a person with one white and one Moor parent).
The Sultan, also referred to as the Imperial Majesty, permitted the Articles of Association of 1774 for the British America Corporation. That very document stated that no slavery of any kind would take place within North America. The Anglo-Saxons of Great Britain were under slavery themselves, controlled by the British Moors (i.e., Brutish Moors), including the European Slavic's (slaves), and others were being mistreated and brought to North America; all while under the reign of King George III (a Moor). The European Slavic's, the Africans, the Octoroons, etc., and other highly "melanated" people were branded Negro, Colored, Indian, Black remained as slaves except for the Anglo-Saxon peoples. The others were considered a rebel group and promoted insurrection against the Brutish Moors. King George III was a Moor, who possessed plenipotentiary action, ruled Britain as a Dominion of Morocco (Mehomitan Nation) under the Sultan, and authorized the Declaration of Independence of 1776, freeing the Anglo-Saxons from the Brutish Moors, to inhabit the available territories of incorporated British America within the colonies.
For a certified photograph of "His Most Sacred Majesty King George III," write the following mailing address: "Science Museum of London Exhibition Rd London SW7 2DD, United Kingdom" and request an authenticated copy, as seen below:
Although the Declaration of Independence of 1776 freed the slaves, slavery was still oppressive throughout the thirteen colonial territories. It was repackaged and sold in a new form known as debtor camps of debtor prisons. Before diving into the debtor camps, Abraham Lincoln stated it was the Articles of Confederation of 1778 to follow the Declaration of Independence. The former British America Corporation would later be known as the United States of America in Congress Assembled. The Articles of Confederation kindly addresses all in the onset,
“To all to whom these presents shall come, We, the undersigned, Delegates of the States affixed to our Names, send greeting: Whereas the Delegates of the United States of America in Congress assembled, did on November 15, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven, and in the second year of the Independence of America, agree to certain Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union between the states of New Hampshire, Massachusetts bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.”
In 1787, the United States of America's Constitution was finalized to make a perfect union between all the states during a constitutional convention. It was all a republic in an attempt to bring together the Powhatan Confederacy and Iroquois Confederacy. In New York on December 1, 1789, George Washington of the Washitaw Tribe wrote a letter to his masonic brother, Emperor Sidi Mohammed. The letter is fascinating due to the unknown truth that the two confederacies (Powhatan and Iroquois) were at war with each other regarding matters of the right to leave the property in trust to their heirs who were Mulattos from the intermarrying with Indian women of the Dutch slave trade. It was against the Mehomidan Law to turn over the property from a creditor or one who held Title of Nobility over to one who had a debtor's status, which was not of full blood descent. Title of Nobility was the real issue that motivated the Civil War between the confederacies and the apprehension within the Southern States that Lincoln was referring to in his inaugural speech of 18615!
Regarding the penal colonies, as mentioned, the former Moors, now known as the Negro, the Black, the Colored, the Octoroon, and even the Indian employee of the Dutch slave trade, would eventually accumulate great amounts of debt from the loss of Title of Nobility. Working in the thirteen colonies, debts were paid to the Department of Agriculture collections department, in contract with the Dutch East/West India Trading Company. The inhabitants of the debtor prisons were to work off their debt. As the Mehomidan Law was ignored by the Moors, intermingling their seed with foreigners and seeking to pass their inheritance to their offspring, the various wars continued, leaving the Sultan with no choice but to strip their title of nobility away to preserve the lands and the law. New trustees would emerge and control their inheritance in trust, placing the Moors' remnants to become indebted and to endure the Trials of Job. In the Bible and the Quran, Job experienced loss and hardship that no man has ever experienced.
The British (Anglo-Saxons, New Trustees) used colonial North America as a penal colony through indentured servitude. Merchants transported convicts and Indians, auctioned to plantation trustees upon arrival to the colonies. An estimated 50,000 British convicts (Indian employees) were delivered to colonial North America. Transported convicts represented perhaps a quarter of all British emigrants during the 18th century. For example, the colony of Georgia was founded by James Edward Oglethorpe, who originally intended to use prisoners taken largely from debtor prisons, creating a "Debtor Colony," where the prisoners could learn trades and work off their debts. Every photograph or paintings of a black slave adult or child working on the plantations was attributed to this purpose, a debtor prison or colony for nothing more than working off debts, not slaves brought to America from Africa alone. General James Edward Oglethorpe founded the Georgia Corporation, known today as the State of Georgia. The General, including other trustees such as Thomas Marriott (a forefather of JW Marriott) of the Colony of Georgia, agreed with the Creek Nation to become the land's trustees to collect debts owed to His Majesty, King George. The Creek Nation lands had become populated with Dutch India Trading Company employees (Indians) that assumed the land from the native Moors due to intermarrying and death from the many wars. The collection of debts to the Colony of Georgia was collected from the Indians, also known as Five Dollar Indians, to surrender their rebellion and insurrection against Great Britain. The trustee(s) of the Colony of Georgia would become the equitable owners in exchange for $300,000 as consideration, leaving the Creek Nation as "tenants in commons"67.
The State of Georgia is a corporation like every other "State Of," within the United States of America Corporation. Its trustees listed above were the Anglo-Saxon peoples from Britain who were once property to the British (Brutish) Moors. Shortly after the Declaration of Independence, in 1776 and within the same year as the Articles of Confederation, in 1778, the thirteen colonies' trustees formed the United States. Of the thirteen colonies were the Delawares who are also recognized as the Delaware Nation and they instituted the six article Treaty With the Delawares, 1778. The Delaware Nation were Moors and were nationals. They are not to be mistaken as Indians. The treaty states,
Articles of agreement and confederation, made and, entered; into by, Andrew and Thomas Lewis, Esquires, Commissioners for, and in Behalf of the United States of North-America of the one Part, and Capt. White Eyes, Capt. John Kill Buck, Junior, and Capt. Pipe, Deputies and Chief Men of the Delaware Nation of the other Part.
Whereas the confederation entered into by the Delaware nation and the United States, renders the first dependent on the latter for all the articles of clothing, utensils and implements of war, and it is judged not only reasonable, but indispensably necessary, that the aforesaid Nation be supplied with such articles from time to time, as fas as the United States may have it in their power, by a well-regulated trade, under the conduct of an intelligent, candid agent, with an adequate salary, one more influenced by the love of his country, and a constant attention to the duties of his department by promoting the common interest, than the sinister purposes of converting and binding all the duties of his office to his private emolument: Convinced of the necessity of such measures, the Commissioners of the United States, at the earnest solicitation of the deputies aforesaid, have engaged in behalf of the United States, that such a trade shall be afforded said nation conducted on such principles of mutual interest as the wisdom of the United States in Congress assembled shall think most conducive to adopt for their mutual convenience. Article V.
Whereas the enemies of the United States have endeavoured, by every artifice in their power, to possess the Indians in general with an opinion, that it is the design of the States aforesaid, to extirpate the Indians and take possession of their country to obviate such false suggestion, the United States do engage to guarantee to the aforesaid nation of Delawares, and their heirs, all their territorial rights in fullest and most ample manner, as it hath been bounded by former treaties, as long as the said Delaware nation shall abide by, and hold fast the chain of friendship now entered into. And it is further agreed on between the contracting parties should it for the future be found conducive for the mutual interest of both parties to invite any other tribes who have been friends to the interest of the United States, to join the present confederation, and to form a state whereof the Delaware nation shall be the head, and have a representation in Congress: Provided, nothing contained in this article to be considered as conclusive until it meets with the approbation of Congress. And it is also the intent and meaning of this article, that no protection or countenance shall be afforded to any who are at present our enemies, by which they might escape the punishment they deserve. Article VI.
The fifth article describes why the State of Delaware is known as the First State. The Delaware Nation provided an internal agreement to enter into trade markets with the United States. The sixth article provides that the United States had real enemies known as the southern States who wanted to eradicate or re-enslave all of the Indians from the slave trade with permission from the Moors of the Delaware Nation, including any other nations who agreed to aid the United States. This treaty confirms that the Moors of the Delaware Nation, including other nations, are truly aboriginal to North America and are completely separate from the misnomer term Indian.
One of the most popular among the Anglo-Saxons was Benjamin (Ben' Yamin) Franklin, and he expressed who were present in not just the Americas but also the entire face of the earth. Franklin wrote many essays. One of his most important writings was sent to Peter Collinson and Richard Jackson, which appeared in the Gentlemen's Magazine for November 1755 and the Scots Magazine for April 1756. In 1760 and 1761, it was printed, with excisions, as an appendix to London, Dublin, Boston, and Philadelphia editions of Franklin's Interest of Great Britain Considered. It was reprinted in part in the London Chronicle, May 20, 1760. Franklin included it in the fourth edition of his Experiments and Observations of Electricity, 17698.
The main thing to take away from Mr. Franklin's words is that 269 years ago, people known today as "Blacks" or "African- Americans" were everywhere on the earth and people known as "Whites" are properly known as the Anglo-Saxons, are fairly new to inhabiting the earth. A large number of people referred to as either swarthy or tawny outnumbered them. Once the republican government of the United States of America Corporation was formed in 1787, its Constitution reformed to a democratic in 1789, as George Washington mentioned in his letter to the Emperor. It was necessary for the Moors within the First Continental Congress to establish a treaty for commerce with Morocco's other dominions (Mehomitan Nation). The Treaty – Between the United States of America, and His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Morocco of January 1787, can be obtained through the Library of Congress. The Twenty-Six article treaty begins with a preface addressing its Ministers and Moroccan Ambassadors for his Majesty, the Emperor. Towards the end of the preface, before the seal of his Majesty, it reads,
hath arranged articles for a treaty of amity and commerce between the United States of America, and his Majesty the Emperor of Morocco, which articles, written in the Arabic language, confirmed by his said Majesty the Emperor of Morocco, and sealed with his royal seal, being translated into the language of the said United States of America, together with the attestations thereto annexed, are in the following words, to wit: In the Name of Almighty God. This is a Treaty of Peace and Friendship established between us and the United States of America, which is confirmed, and which we have ordered to be written in this book, and sealed with our royal seal, at our court of Morocco, on the twenty-fifth day of the blessed month of Shaban, in the year one thousand two hundred, trusting in God it will remain permanent. Treaty of Peace and Friendship – Treaties and Other International Acts of the United States of America. Edited by Hunter Miller, Volume 2, Documents 1-40: 1776-1818, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1931.
Other evidence of the U.S. residing in Morocco (Mehomitan Nation) can be found in Public Law 857 – August 1, 1956, which reads,
Whereas the consuls of the United States in Morocco are permitted to exercise jurisdiction over American nationals under the treaty between the United States, and Morocco signed September 16, 1836, and the Act of Algeciras signed April 7, 1906. Public Law 857 – August 1, 1956, 70 STAT, page 774
To further clarify P.L. 857, the consuls of the U.S. are located in North America (Morocco – Mehomitan Nation), and the U.S. is permitted jurisdiction over U.S. nationals, also known as U.S. citizens by the treaty of September 16, 1836; which is the Morocco – Treaty of Peace. Permission over American citizens can be found in articles twenty through twenty-three.
If any of the citizens of the United States, or any persons under their protection, shall have any disputes with each other, the Consul shall decide between the parties, and whenever the Consul shall require any aid or assistance from our government to enforce his decisions, it shall be immediately granted to him. Morocco – Treaty of Peace: Article twenty
If a citizen of the United States should kill or wound a Moor, or on the contrary, if a Moor shall kill or wound a citizen of the United States, the law of the country shall take place, and equal justice shall be rendered, the Consul assisting at the trial; and if any delinquent makes his escape, the Consul shall not be answerable for him in any manner whatever. Morocco – Treaty of Peace: Article twenty-one
If an American citizen shall die in our country, and no will shall appear, the Consul shall take possession of his effects; and if there shall be no consul, the effects shall be deposited in the hands of some person worthy of trust, until the party shall appear who has a right to demand them; but if the heir to the person deceased be present, the property shall be delivered to him without interruption; and if a will appears, the property shall descend agreeable to that will as soon as the Consul shall declare the validity thereof. Morocco – Treaty of Peace: Article twenty-two
The consuls of the United States of America shall reside in any seaport of our dominion that they shall think proper, and they shall be respected, and enjoy all the privileges which the consuls of any other nation enjoy; and if any of the citizens of the United States shall contract any debts or engagements, the Consul shall not be in any manner accountable for them, unless he shall have given a promise in writing for the payment or fulfilling thereof, without which promise in writing, no application to him for any redress shall be made. Morocco – Treaty of Peace: Article twenty-three - Treaties of Other International Acts of the United States of America, Edited by Hunter Miller, Volume 4, Documents 1-40: 1776-1818.
The democracy was further matured by establishing a separate city-state, a body corporate for the District of Columbia, formed on February 21, 1871. The 41st Congress, Session III, Chapter 61, 62, page 419, declares An Act to provide a Government for the District of Columbia, known as the Organic Act of 18719.
The Organic Act of 1871 is an Act of Congress that repealed the individual charters of the cities of Washington and Georgetown and established a new territorial government for the whole of D.C. The District of Columbia (controlling the world militarily) joined the other two city-states, Vatican City (controlling the world's religion) and London City (controlling the world's financial/law sector), to make up the three corporations, The Empire of the City, that runs the world. Due to the fourteenth amendment, many people, including the Moors who once had Title of Nobility and were creditors on their land (the Americas), lost their lawful status and nationality and became subject to the District of Columbia by way of the Sultan allying with the democratic United States. This truth can be found in the Library of Congress, titled Citizenship of the United States, Expatriation, etc.,
There are, strictly speaking, no Moroccan laws relating to citizenship of Moorish subjects in Morocco. The fundamental laws of this non-Christian country are based entirely upon the Islamitic code, no part of which treats the subject of citizenship. There are, however, numerous treaties and conventions between the various Christian countries and the Moorish Empire, by means of which citizenship in this country is defined; but, as I understand, from the above-acknowledged instructions, that it is not the desire of the Department to call for a report upon such lines, I will, therefore, confine these remarks to general conditions existing, which may possibly be of some use in connection with the information desired. (1) Citizenship in Morocco may be said to be governed by the laws pertaining to the same in other countries, with the exception that all persons residing in Morocco who cannot prove foreign citizenship or protection are considered ipso jure as Moorish subjects. (2 and 3) Moorish subjects lost their nationality only by becoming naturalized in or protected by another country having treaty relations with the Moorish Empire. Citizenship of the United States, Expatriation, etc., Pages 459- 460
The Moors lost their nationality after the Civil War by the fourteenth amendment to the United States constitution and other nationalities. Due to the several treaties connected with the U.S. and through naturalization and protection from the U.S., nationality is forfeited. The U.S. has maintained its position of power by utilizing deceiving contracts, in which U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, and even foreign nationals unknowingly submit consent to several contracts. The deceptive contractual offers that promote protection and naturalization of the United States fall within the category of accepting benefits and privileges that the United States freely gives its citizens within the public sector. There is a difference between operating in public and in private. Such benefits and privileges of the United States consist of taking uncertificated securities, including everything related to the social security number, applications related to "driver's" licenses, and the so-called right to "vote." All of the above require the social security number to obtain a license or register to vote locally and nationally.
Extrated from the book The ZERO Percent by DuVaul Dey.


  1. Abraham Lincoln cites in the first paragraph in the First Inaugural Address, 1861
  2. Abraham Lincoln First Inaugural Address, 1861 quote "Descending from these general principles, we find the proposition that in legal contemplation, the Union is perpetual confirmed by the history of the Union itself. The Union is much older than the Constitution. It was formed, in fact, by the Articles of Association, in 1774. It was matured and continued by the Declaration of Independence in 1776. It was further matured, and the faith of all the then thirteen States expressly plighted and engaged that it should be perpetual, by the Articles of Confederation in 1778. And finally, in 1787, one of the declared objects for ordaining and establishing the Constitution was to form a more perfect Union."
  3. (Article One) That from and after the first day of December next, we will not import, into British America, from Great-Britain or Ireland, any goods, wares, or merchandise whatsoever, or from any other place, any such goods, wares, or merchandise, as shall have been exported from Great-Britain or Ireland; nor will we, after that day, import any East-India tea from any part of the world; nor any molasses, syrups, paneles, coffee, or pimento, from the British plantations or from Dominica; nor wines from Madeira, or the Western Islands; nor foreign indigo.
  4. (Article Two) We will neither import nor purchase, any slave imported after the first day of December next; after which time, we will wholly discontinue the slave trade, and will neither be concerned in it ourselves, nor will we hire our vessels, nor sell our commodities or manufactures to those who are concerned in it.
  5. The letter from Washington to the Emperor can be found within the Library of Congress or on https://founders.archives.gov/?q=letter%20from%20Washington%20to%20the%20Emperor%20Sidi%20Mohammed&s=1111311111&sa=&r=4&sr=
  6. The evidence of this trade can be reviewed within the Treaty of Savannah of 1733 and The Georgia Historical Quarterly, March 1920, Vol. 4, No. 1, pages 3-16.
  7. The Charter of Georgia of 1732 can be examined from the Lillian Goldman Law Library, The Avalon Project.
  8. Benjamin Franklin essay can also be found within the founders.archives.gov website; section twenty-three and twenty-four of the essay. https://founders.archives.gov/?q=Observations%20Concerning%20The%20Increase%20of%20Mankind&s=1111311111&sa=&r=10&sr=
  9. Organic Act of 1871 – Section one, page 419, CHAP. LXII – An Act to provide a Government for the District of Columbia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all that part of the territory of the United States included within the limits of the District of Columbia be, and the same is hereby, created into a government by the name of the District of Columbia, by which name it is hereby constituted a body corporate for municipal purposes, and may contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, have a seal, and exercise all other powers of a municipal corporation not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States and the provisions of this act.
this territory is moderated
Abbreviation: The USC, the parent company of the EU Investmens, Israel Private Limited, Ukraine Funds and many more!
So much staff to dig out!
The fact that upon birth we are given a social security number leads me to believe that is either an asset or liability on the governments balance sheet, just like any income producing asset at a company.
btw, you should be able to check it on cusip.com or ask a trusted broker or securities dealer to do the research for you.
It is, you'll be surprised! It's actually a bond traded in the market, it grows in value from the trades, but also from your accomplishments in life, like degrees, licenses, mortgages and many other "contracts" you sign... you (we) don't even know!
For the majority all this garbage is taboo, people don't talk about these manners, and we should… for our own benefits and freedom. You/we think Bitcoin provide freedom, well, it's just a tool of freedom. The rabbit hole is much deeper and dark.
Fantastic research and information. A few friends and I have been making more anecdotal, logical arguments to this fact, but without the legal and historical research.
Thank you for sharing this extract!
Yes, indeed, isn't history taught in schools! it is such an interesting story. The funniest fact is that King George III was a Moor, who possessed plenipotentiary action, ruled Britain as a Dominion of Morocco (Mehomitan Nation). When doing a normal research, the only things that appears are paintings with him looking a wigged whitish man.
They are called Indians because the Americas is the West Indies, and most were under Moorish Empire, like big chunks of Europe
Cool! The biggest corporation is the biggest scam as well!
It's all part of the same scam:
The Organic Act of 1871 is an Act of Congress that repealed the individual charters of the cities of Washington and Georgetown and established a new territorial government for the whole of D.C. The District of Columbia (controlling the world militarily) joined the other two city-states, Vatican City (controlling the world's religion) and London City (controlling the world's financial/law sector), to make up the three corporations, The Empire of the City, that runs the world.
I wonder when all these freedom fighters will stop selfishly talking/thinking about their “own” country and start thinking a bit more broadly about the issue. It isn't about America, nor Europe, China or whatever other fictional illusion you believe in... it's about Planet Earth.