Para Not at all...what outside countries do, the United States or whatever country it is, is not going to affect either the results...or Nicolás Maduro...they are backed by the powers of none other than Russia and China... Nobody like that out of nowhere wants to make enemies of those countries, much less Venezuela, which is a country corroded by corruption and which we all know is not a simple dictatorship, it is actually a Narco dictatorship supported by the main drug cartels in Latin America. which obviously benefit from the strategic location of the Caribbean country in the north of South America... it is unfortunate but in Venezuela, like Cuba, only the years will pass and nothing more.....
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Excelente, entonces consideras que a Venezuela le depara el mismo futuro que a Corea del norte?... Entonces para que nos molestamos en intentar hacer algo? Supongo que ya te divorciaste de ser Venezolano y se te hizo más fácil cruzarte de brazos. Menos mal emigraste, ya sacaste a toda tu familia del país?
Exactly... unfortunately the same thing awaits Venezuela as Cuba... No offense intended but the truth cannot be hidden with a finger. There are many factors that make this Narco dictatorship continue there and we cannot talk as if they arrived yesterday. .. it has already been 25 years of changes in ideologies and fanaticism towards a deceased politician... we are talking about an entire generation that has already grown up with that parasitic thought of socialism... and if emigrating or rather fleeing was what I could achieve... and Yes, really, thanks to my work my family is complete with me... I am still Venezuelan but the truth must be told... and that is why there are these spaces or they could also be called opinion networks...