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August 1, 2024
It is the fourth day since the electoral fraud occurred in Venezuela. The numbers of those injured, kidnapped, missing and dead increase every hour, while politicians only talk, the same dialogue as every day, some accept that Edmundo Gonzalez is the winner given the clear and concise evidence. Maria Corina Machado made sure that there is a website where you can verify the minutes with the total result of the machine where you voted, the minutes on this website reveal that Edmundo won by a large difference in points. Others keep repeating that Maduro show the minutes, since supposedly the ones he has are the winner, but as expected they create one excuse after another not to show them, today they were supposed to show them at 11am, it was agreed, but again they postponed it.
• • Excerpt from today's press conference: "I have decided to create 2 maximum security prisons for all the new generation gangs that are involved in the riots (protest) and there will be no forgiveness or consideration and I am making a bet to see if these maximum security prisons can re-educate them and turn them into productive farms." - Nicolas Maduro. https://x.com/jarizabaletaf/status/1819139760738496541
Tarek William Saab on the arrests of protesters: "What is happening is good because it purifies society." • • The list of verified and identified arrests as of today, August 1, 2024, amounts to 711 people, of whom 74 are minors.
Yesterday, several young people were sentenced to 6 years in prison for "terrorism." Some were protesting and others were not. Among them, there are 6 who are 16 years old and a 13-year-old girl. They were beaten by the military and are being held.
The actual number of detainees, or rather kidnapped, is higher, since many of those who have been taken have not been allowed to communicate with their families. At this moment, there is a long list of missing persons. Family members are desperate, scared and very distressed, searching in all police stations or military barracks for their sons, daughters, cousins, brothers, husbands, wives. • • Maria Corina Machado wrote in the American newspaper The Wall Street Journal: "They could arrest me while I write these words"
Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken has issued a statement challenging Venezuela's official election results, declaring opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia as the true winner of the July 28 presidential election.
Blinken states that the National Electoral Council's declaration of Maduro's victory is "deeply flawed" and lacks credibility.
He cites opposition-published tally sheets from over 80% of polling stations, indicating González won by an "insurmountable margin," corroborated by independent observers and exit polls.
The U.S. applauds the 12 million Venezuelans who voted despite challenges and rejects Maduro's allegations against opposition leaders.
Blinken calls for the release of those arrested for peaceful participation and urges a peaceful transition. Source: U.S. Department of State • • A group of Venezuelans gathered in front of the White House to denounce the murders and intimidation taking place in Venezuela.
Minutes ago, the SEBIN tried to arrest the Mayor of Biscucuy, Portuguesa Jobito Villegas, at his home. The people took to the streets and prevented this procedure. https://x.com/CesarPerezVivas/status/1819112910230319138
In the early hours of August 1st, Aixa Daniela Boada López, a 19-year-old girl, was arrested by Nicolás Maduro's henchmen. https://x.com/UHN_Plus/status/1819010888214483070
They continue to kidnap the electoral witnesses who uncovered their electoral fraud at the national level and are leaving them without their belongings https://x.com/eduardomenoni/status/1819098401159700739
An officer from the Bolivarian National Police (PNB) approaches to verify the identity cards of the detainees who are still here. Relatives line up to check if their loved ones are on the list. https://x.com/EfectoCocuyo/status/1819044244503572754
Peaceful protest in Trujillo state: People chanting "Up, civil servant, your support is necessary" https://x.com/diloatodos/status/1819092546523402639 When I see these videos I feel suspicious and I don't like it at all. It has happened in other countries, guards and police join or support protesters, only to attack them when they let their guard down. I hope I'm wrong
When nothing is done, it is because one chooses to remain passive, but when one decides to act, it is because one recognizes the importance of doing so. Today, in the Valley, four brave young people who gave their lives in the fight for the freedom of Venezuela are being said goodbye. https://x.com/freddyzur/status/1819052336385331618
10:39 am | Relatives and friends of those arrested in recent days after the presidential elections received a list of alleged transfers to the Yare I, Yare II and Yare III prisons on August 1, outside Zone 7, in Boleíta.
Those present were notified that they were going to be taken to court. However, they found out that they were taken to the prisons, particularly to Yare. https://x.com/EfectoCocuyo/status/1819022533649190943
Panamanian President on Venezuela: "What happened yesterday at the OAS is more than sad, it is depressing"
"I feel very satisfied that our country is among the 17 countries that aligned themselves with the defense of the popular will in Venezuela" https://x.com/AlbertoRodNews/status/1819027692471107663
The Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences of the UCV says:
Last Monday the 29th, the president of the National Electoral Council, without the presence of any of the other rectors, proclaimed the current president of the republic, Nicolás Maduro, as president-elect in the elections held the previous day. This proclamation occurred when an alleged Partial Totalization Bulletin had barely been issued, which was not issued by the Automated Totalization System and in which 20% of the minutes were missing to be scrutinized.
Thus, the president of the CNE failed to comply with the Organic Law of Electoral Processes and its Regulations, since before the proclamation he had to wait for the issuance of the Final Totalization Bulletin that reflects the definitive electoral results. No candidate could be awarded victory without having scrutinized all the records issued by the Electoral Tables.
Much less, the president of the CNE could alone issue an Act of Totalization, Adjudication and Proclamation, without being accompanied by the rest of the main rectors of the electoral body and the other witnesses of the candidates.
Consequently, said proclamation did not comply with the electoral legislation because it was made by an authority that exceeded its powers and invaded those of the electoral body, which is a collegiate body, and whose effects become null. The CNE must adhere to the law, carrying out the totalization of the votes and the awarding of the position to be elected in accordance with the tally sheets issued by the polling stations; and only then proceed to the proclamation and accreditation of the winner. All of this must be done through the automated totalization system of the CNE itself, and with the minutes that both the CNE itself and the representatives of the competing candidates already have in their hands. Only in this way can confidence be generated in the electorate that their will has been respected.
It is the exclusive responsibility of the CNE, as the governing body of the Electoral Power, to complete the electoral procedure already begun. The courts of the Republic completely lack jurisdiction until the National Electoral Council has totalized, awarded and proclaimed the winner in full compliance with the law, which it has not yet done.
This situation has generated total rejection by the majority of the country's political actors; alert in the International Community and shock in public opinion, as well as a strong protest in the popular sectors who consider their vote mocked with the results announced by the CNE, all of which brings a climate of uncertainty the instability that benefits no one. The peace of the Nation requires that popular sovereignty be respected and obeyed without delay.
The Venezuelan government has resorted to the deceptive application of criminal regulations to persecute, for political reasons, the population that demands respect for its electoral will. It is already a public communication fact that arbitrary arrests, executions, raids and murders are carried out by police and military forces, which constitute serious and systematic violations of human rights and could even constitute crimes against humanity.
We urge international human rights organizations to exercise constant vigilance and demand from the Venezuelan government the immediate cessation of political persecution and arbitrary detentions, as well as the dissolution of irregular armed groups (collectives) and unrestricted respect for human rights. civil and political liberties.
In the University City of Caracas, the first (1st) of August 2024.
At 91 years old, this old lady went out with her cane to protest against ELECTORAL FRAUD in Venezuela. https://x.com/UHN_Plus/status/1819068174937067672
Kapersky, one of the world's leading cybersecurity companies, denies the tyrant of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro: "Venezuela has not registered any cyberattacks in the most recent global monitoring." In previous days, the regime excused itself by saying that it did not have the records because it had suffered a "cyber attack" from Macedonia. The government of North Macedonia denies the statements of the Venezuelan dictatorship, after prosecutor Tarek William Saab reported a hacking of the CNE from that country. In connection with the announcements of alleged statements by the Venezuelan authorities that during the elections held on 07/28/2024, alleged DDOS computer attacks occurred by users of Macedonian IP addresses, the Ministry of the Interior informs the public that The Department of Computer Crimes follows the evolution of the alleged accusations against Macedonian citizens and we also declare that so far, the Venezuelan authorities have not received requests or information about the above to carry out further controls on our part.
We also inform the public that even the appearance of Macedonian IP addresses in some suspected attack does not mean that they originally come from Macedonia, that is, based on previous experience, we can inform that there is a high probability that they use VPN (Virtual Private Networks) or they are part of a larger BotNet network, i.e. they come from so-called infected zombie computers, which have been compromised by hackers using computer viruses or malware and can perform assigned tasks controlled remotely by individuals or a group of potential hackers .
The most common victims of this type of zombie computers are people who do not know that their computer systems are infected with malicious software and, without their knowledge and consent, DDoS attacks are carried out, which represent a malicious attempt to disrupt normal computer traffic. Internet of a certain place. server, service or network to access a specific target at the same time with the aim of blocking it, overloading it.
The Nicolás Maduro regime created an app called VenApp, which allowed Chavistas to report their neighbors if they protested against the government. Within hours, it was removed from the Play Store and Apple, due to thousands of reports.
Venezuelan police yesterday arrested Jovani Romero, the subject of the iconic photo at the Chavez statue in Coro.
Family and friends do not know where he was taken and fear for the young man's life.
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Thank you for this thread, please keep updating us, strength to Venezuela!
Thank you very much for your attention and for the words of support. I will continue to make updates.
Thank you for doing these daily updates. They are very comprehensive. Do you think the US recognizing González the winner will help or will just make it worse as Maduro will use “foreign interference” as an excuse for aggression against the protesters?
Yes, of course, this will get worse. As Peru, Argentina, Ecuador and other countries turned their backs on him, yesterday he was saying on national television that Venezuelans who emigrate are being trained by these countries to then go to Venezuela to commit riots and stage a coup d'état and that on top of that, they are paying us $150 a day... Listening to him talk is disgusting, it seems like a cheap comedy, he says such stupid things. Just 30 minutes ago he said that Elon Musk was the one who hacked the CNE (national electoral council) system and for that reason he did not have the minutes... Let's not forget that on Monday he said that it was from North Macedonia where he was "hacked"
Do you happen to know Spanish? I want to show you a video
Very little but my wife speaks Spanish. She can translate for me.
Que risa, afirma que el ataque viene provocado por Elon Musk, pero de que está hablando este tipo? es un sinverguenza.
Es una burla y una vergüenza, me estresa cada vez que los escucho hablar y más me estresan las personas que lo apoyan, son tan imbéciles que nunca en su vida han pisado Venezuela, nunca han vivido en comunismo y lo apoyan, pero les encanta tener Apple y usar redes sociales de capitalistas. Maduro solo dice babosadas y es un maldito cobarde que se esconde un un bunker custodiado por la guardia nacional
Perfect. I'll show you the videos where Maduro speaks. Sometimes I think that they won't believe me when I describe what that man says.
I sincerely believe that this will cause more repression as a Venezuelan, I know what I'm talking about.
Para Not at all...what outside countries do, the United States or whatever country it is, is not going to affect either the results...or Nicolás Maduro...they are backed by the powers of none other than Russia and China... Nobody like that out of nowhere wants to make enemies of those countries, much less Venezuela, which is a country corroded by corruption and which we all know is not a simple dictatorship, it is actually a Narco dictatorship supported by the main drug cartels in Latin America. which obviously benefit from the strategic location of the Caribbean country in the north of South America... it is unfortunate but in Venezuela, like Cuba, only the years will pass and nothing more.....
Excelente, entonces consideras que a Venezuela le depara el mismo futuro que a Corea del norte?... Entonces para que nos molestamos en intentar hacer algo? Supongo que ya te divorciaste de ser Venezolano y se te hizo más fácil cruzarte de brazos. Menos mal emigraste, ya sacaste a toda tu familia del país?
Exactly... unfortunately the same thing awaits Venezuela as Cuba... No offense intended but the truth cannot be hidden with a finger. There are many factors that make this Narco dictatorship continue there and we cannot talk as if they arrived yesterday. .. it has already been 25 years of changes in ideologies and fanaticism towards a deceased politician... we are talking about an entire generation that has already grown up with that parasitic thought of socialism... and if emigrating or rather fleeing was what I could achieve... and Yes, really, thanks to my work my family is complete with me... I am still Venezuelan but the truth must be told... and that is why there are these spaces or they could also be called opinion networks...
Do you think the US recognizing González the winner will help or will just make it worse as Maduro will use “foreign interference” as an excuse for aggression against the protesters?
Maduro has everything to loose. If protestors win he won't live long (or at least won't live freely long).
So yea, it's obvious he will try to use everything to his advantage and will double or triple down on everything.
That's right, he will do everything in his power, no matter how many lives he ends, to stay in power. It's terrifying to think of everything he can do. He will only leave either because they deprive him of his freedom or because they take his head, there is no middle ground, they should not let him negotiate or let him go free.
Seems you are doing progress citizen kepp the sprite
Stay strong! Make sure you and your circles use bitcoin to protect their wealth from being confiscated.
Yes, it is the only and best option. Thank you.
If Maduro had a way out - like he got asylum in some other country - would he just leave? Would that be a peaceful solution?
That opportunity for a peaceful exit has already been lost, he has committed massacres to remain in power, the only way he will leave is for them to remove his head or for him to be taken away in handcuffs and taken by the DEA.
It is the fourth day since the electoral fraud occurred in Venezuela. The numbers of those injured, kidnapped, missing and dead increase every hour, while politicians only talk, the same dialogue as every day, some accept that Edmundo Gonzalez is the winner given the clear and concise evidence.
Don't expect to government, they don't do anything positive.
  • 6:43 pm: Maduro reveals on his social networks the agreement reached with the US in Qatar and asks the White House to resume dialogue.
  • 7:15 pm: The US announces recognition of President-elect Edmundo González.
  • 9:40 pm: Maduro asks the US to “get its nose out of Venezuela”
The Politics sucks here! People don't realise that life is a short stay here to be in power. The other side is hell, where these power thirsty assholes will be burnt naked.
After being discovered, the government tried to silence the people present, but since it could not do so, it opted for repression.
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