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The truth is this: He couldn't compete against other males, so he switched genders so he could win.
This is 90% of what woke culture is.....beta-males in various forms cheating to create an advantage. Once you see things like that, things make much more sense.
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See the other user's comment. This person apparently did not 'transition'. Instead they were born anatomically female... but with XY chromosomes. Born with a vagina, uterus etc but with other genetics. Which they only discovered later through genetic testing.
Perfect description of woke culture: beta-males, cheating, unfair advantage
"Lia" Thomas was a male swimmer who switched genders so he could win.
The biological male boxers who are punching biological women truly deserve a special place in hell or Guantanomo or both
"She" is from Algeria... greaaaaaaat
There is a good book called Woke INC, this goes beyond than just beta males.
I have a hard time thinking transgenders would do this to win.