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Have you tried browsing top?
Also, your hot feed gets more personalized as you zap more.
Now that you mention it, I found that I end up using just hot and recent, for top tends to mimic hot most of the time, so it's more time efficient to just browse hot and recent.
I mention top because you mentioned "missing good material." Top, if you look beyond a day, should ensure you don't miss stuff that other people found good.
I'm sure of that but, I have also noticed that there's a cycle of activity, and there's a period in which posts get very little attention, so that mostly posts published within the more active time-window are the ones ending up on top and hot (correct me if wrong). Thus I'm not missing what other people consider good material, but we might be all doing it. It's of course an impression of mine, it would be interesting to see if your metrics indicate that attention tends to be more distributed
No, you're right, there's definitely an american-based activity cycle. Most of the people active on SN are in the western hemisphere. We just don't have a lot of folks on SN yet.
Ok, it's something to ponder then, because it could lead to a "chicken before the egg" situation: potential stackers out of that time-window might get demotivated at starting because their windows of activity are out of sync, and thus their material statistically fail to catch attention. So they leave, and thus the public within that new time-window never develops. So there should be a way to flatten the ponderation bell of the ranking a little bit more so that it can overlap just well enough with other time-windows to help them to catch up.
I'm having a good enough experience already with Hot, thank you for the clarification, I didn't know the feed was already personalized, sorry for that... ...might still the suggestion of tags help to optimize the calculation?..
We are going to have sub-territories in the future, e.g. ~bitcoin/mining and ~bitcoin/script, etc, which are effectively tags.
I created bitcoin mining territory for now
Then move to mining sub territory in the future when it launches
Yep, we plan to allow them to be moved around.
Also, to have aliases, so you could have both ~bitcoin_mining and ~bitcoin/mining which have the same content (if one wanted).