The prevent social networks from eating up way too much time, I found myself having decently efficient glances at SN by just looking at the hot topics feed. However, I'm sure I'm missing good material I'm interested in, and I'm sure I'm not alone in this. A more optimised feed algorithm will not only increase reader matches but importantly, writers income. Many good posts get buried way too son, and the problem will exacerbate as SN scales. Following stackers is a first solution but can't scale well as the user-base increases. I'm following 3 stackers and that alone fills up my notifications feed (and that's after I had to unfollow a couple because it was unmanageable).
My suggestions:
- Allow tagging of posts, universal across territories, and/or territory-specific as per the owner.
- With tagging implemented, ponderation on the hot ranking can be calculated per user in a similar manner as it's now calculated for the general user-base. That will increase the chances for a user of not missing posts he may consider important, be it new or old stackers. Muting does the rest really well.
- This can play along with the hot ranking at general user-base level to also have a sense of the general community.
because you mentioned "missing good material." Top, if you look beyond a day, should ensure you don't miss stuff that other people found good.~bitcoin/mining
, etc, which are effectively tags.