WTF? He said that? You know he says that because there was a prepayment involved? During the opposition's presidential campaign there was sabotage day after day. Did you read the statement Carter made? There he detailed all the information on why it was not a fair election. Communists are scum, they talk about equality, but in reality they only want to own, control and win for themselves. They sell the citizens the discourse that being rich is bad, while they become multimillionaires with the country's resources, but at the same time they do not allow the population to have their own businesses, they snatch them away from them to then give them a drop of what they produce. Communism breaks your legs and then gives you crutches so that you thank them.
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I was wrong about where he lives. He lives in the US, but was in Venezuela on some visit sponsored by a socialist organization. This morning I see he is leaving Caracas on the last flight to Panama City. All flights are cancelled now I think. Here is his youtube channel:
Here is more about him:
He is a Canadian citizen.