Part Two: (Part I #628761)
In this post I will tell you about the events of the protests in Venezuela after electoral fraud, on July 30, 2024, which take place between 2pm-11pm Venezuela time.
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Communism kills.
Another young man has died in Venezuela, his name: Luis Roberto. He was injured by paramilitary groups led by the mayor of Upata. His relatives claim that the mayor prohibited the admission of wounded people in hospitals and he had to be transferred to the Guaiparo Hospital in San Félix, where he died tonight.
Night of terror in Carabobo: in the Francisco de Miranda and Los Mangos neighborhoods, paramilitary groups shoot at apartments and residential houses. The violence breaks out at 10:20 PM, plunging the neighbors into panic.
Armed civilian groups in Petare continue to confront henchmen of the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro, who continue to arrive on orders from the Venezuelan tyrant to repress the working-class neighborhoods. The night will be long in Venezuela.
Clashes are reported in Petare at this time of night
Night of popular rebellion and democratic insurrection in Venezuela against the tyranny of Nicolás Maduro, patriots of the resistance take the motorcycle from a police henchman of the Chavista regime in Los Teques, Miranda state
A girl was attacked by Nicolás Maduro's police in Chacao, Caracas this afternoon, she was tear-gassed and disappeared for several minutes, until she was handed over to her grandmother. Nicolás Maduro is violating the human rights of women and children in Venezuela
"Heading to the Extraordinary Session of the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OEA) to defend democracy and the freedom of Venezuelans." - Javier González-Olaechea
"Two friends have just disappeared. They were just bringing supplies to the firefighters for those who were run over in the San Antonio roundabout" Manuel Pérez Stefanny Trujillo
In Cabimas, anti-Chavez protesters chant: “I don’t want bonuses, I don’t want bread, all I want is for Nicolás to leave!” in front of the regime’s police.
Armored tanks enter Petare. Chavismo attacks the poorest neighborhoods of Venezuela, the very thing they swore to protect
The popular uprising and democratic rebellion continues in Venezuela. The mobilization does not stop at this time and thousands of Venezuelans protest in Cabimas, Zulia state
6:30pm Ocumare del Tuy, Miranda state. Police and GNB impose curfew in neighborhoods, arresting people just for leaving their homes to walk
Police entered the La Alcabala neighborhood in Petare to repress protesters. Then armed groups in the area began shooting at the police to prevent them from repressing the residents of the neighborhood.
To the international community:
Nicolás Maduro has just ordered his followers to register those who protest against the results of the CNE in Venezuela in the government's “VenAPP”, in order to “go after them” and “bring them justice”
Segregation and political persecution.
There have been TWO results, each with a different winning candidate… But only ONE of them presented the EVIDENCE to support it…
While the other has the army in the streets, killing citizens who do not “respect” their results.
New police patrols in front of the Argentine Embassy. The building is still without electricity and now these officials remain stationed on the street of the residence.
Young man was killed during training in Naguanagua, Carabobo state
Images of Francisco de Miranda Avenue, in Caracas
Portuguesa state citizens took command, took away their weapons and gave them minutes to leave
University Avenue at the height of Rafael Urdaneta Plaza 6:18pm
In Coro, Falcon State, Los Tres Platos sector and Manaure Avenue
TYRANNY is arresting WITNESSES of the Election Table.
The governor of Carabobo calls for an end to the protesters.
PNB (Bolivarian National Police) and serial killers
Venezuelan protesters uncover warehouses in Carabobo, Venezuela; where the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro hoards medicines and food to subdue the people with the excuse of the "economic blockade." Venezuela has had enough of the Chavista regime
"We were peacefully protesting, praying and singing the national anthem in calicanto and the guard came to throw lead and tear gas at us."
Chavista Governor of Carabobo, Rafael Lacava, subdues and intimidates young people inside Fuerte Paramacay in Naguanagua, after being detained during protests against Maduro.
All the hamlets in Colonia Tovar have come out to protest against the fraud. The entire Tovar Municipality supports President Edmundo González.
Several protesters were reported injured after a silver 4Runner ran over them at the San Antonio de Los Altos roundabout in Miranda
Venezuelan has been shot dead by the police of the tyrant Nicolás Maduro in the State of Miranda, Venezuela
Following orders from Rafael Lacava to kill protesters, this was the action of the police in Naguanagua, Carabobo.
Jorge Rodriguez's rally to celebrate Maduro's victory... there is no one
Stunning advertisements by Maria Corina Machado have appeared in Times Square, NYC, as people chant “FREEDOM.”
They demolished the statue of Hugo Chávez in Guarataro, Sucre municipality in the Bolívar state, one of the poorest towns in the region and where Chavismo always won with more than 70% of the votes. The expropriated producer Franklin Brito, who died in a strike, was from this area. of hunger 30J "DAMN THE SOLDIER WHO POINTS HIS WEAPON AGAINST HIS PEOPLE."
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Thanks again for this information. FYI, before the Carter Center tweet, I watched a YouTube video from a communist lawyer who is currently living in El Salvador who actually mentioned the Carter Center observers as proof that the election was free and fair! I am going to check his channel to see if he has modified his views.
WTF? He said that? You know he says that because there was a prepayment involved? During the opposition's presidential campaign there was sabotage day after day. Did you read the statement Carter made? There he detailed all the information on why it was not a fair election. Communists are scum, they talk about equality, but in reality they only want to own, control and win for themselves. They sell the citizens the discourse that being rich is bad, while they become multimillionaires with the country's resources, but at the same time they do not allow the population to have their own businesses, they snatch them away from them to then give them a drop of what they produce. Communism breaks your legs and then gives you crutches so that you thank them.
I was wrong about where he lives. He lives in the US, but was in Venezuela on some visit sponsored by a socialist organization. This morning I see he is leaving Caracas on the last flight to Panama City. All flights are cancelled now I think. Here is his youtube channel:
Here is more about him:
He is a Canadian citizen.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @mf 31 Jul
Been following since voting night...what a shit show. Very sorry for everyone having to live in such conditions.
It's such a shame that things have to always reach the breaking point AND visibly fraudulent voting, until people raise their voices. Why do you need to reach elections to do anything, as if that's the only legitimate moment to kick out any totalitarian? It's just mind numbing...
Remember, you are NOT the tiny dot, they are!
Who is the opposition? Are they good like Milei, or just a slightly different type of socialist?
Good ones like Milei. The previous opponents were disgusting, leftists in disguise. Even this lady Maria Corina, was previously heavily criticized because her ideals are "radical", that is, compared to all the idiots who ran for office. She lost the first time she ran in the primaries. They didn't take her seriously because she was a woman and because of her ideals... years later they realized that she was right. In October she won the primaries to be the official opposition candidate, but the wretches who have kidnapped Venezuela disqualified her. She chose someone else to replace her and she became the leader of the party and the campaign. She is the one who is showing her face.
This is going well keep going
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