This is true, but I still use the LN daily. Living in NY forces you to only use self custody applications, and you get adept using tor, vpns, downloading APKs, etc.
Interesting. This is the unique way
75 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 30 Jul
When we were thinking about going with a licensed custodian instead of doing all this non-custodial work, I was like "but siggy couldn't use it."
I'm honored. I would have had to relocate.
Anyone who follows Louis Rossmann would know that running a business in NY is tantamount to insanity.
Isn't it funny how that works, the place that historically has been the epicenter of finance - is one of them to lag the most as it comes to forward-thinking financial technologies.
The tides really do shift in this world...
New Yorkers hate everything that is new.
not really, they just hate only things they can't get a slice of... when they figure out, they will love it...
Slice of pizza? I heard their bagels are to die for!
slice of anything (as in any business) Yes, bagels are amazing, toasted with cream cheese and hot coffee... is that how you start a day in NYC...
That would be amazing. I have been noticing the size of coffee cups have been changing to a larger size.
Anyone know the specific language in the BitLicense that prohibits lightning transactions?