Interop with stable coins seems to be gaining a lot of attention as some emerging markets are choosing them over Bitcoin. It's feels like the market is choosing stable coins for checking and bitcoin for saving.
I'm not sure how I feel about NFTs yet. The value is dependent a) on trusting the distributor and b) social consensus (some community valuing them). I think about them when I consider adding gamification badges to SN - ie when SN is decentralized, I need a registry for things like badges because badges don't seem like a great fit for a relay system.
I really like the idea of forking Signal. Harvesting all the work they're doing and creating Sphinx-like app would be awesome!
I finally got a ton of people on Signal so hoping that it’s possible to create a fork that supports Lightning and still can send/receive messages from the main app. Does anyone know whether that’s possible?
I’ve read that Signal servers won’t relay other clients so it’s not possible.
But I used Signal-cli which is Java client, essentially a fork, so I think it could work?
I'm not sure but if Signal has bots, maybe something like the lightning telegram bot can be built on Signal and then you don't need a fork.
I suspect Signal relays are open source too, so while you might not be able to use their relays, perhaps you can host your own.