Also in my experience most Trump supporters aren't the comic characters they are portrayed as by the media. They are fed up with progressiveness and Trump seems like he's against that. Or he's an alternative voice. Or that he produced results where those that went before didn't.
I've found most have many things they dislike about him. They aren't stupid. Its also clear that Trump's enemies are being honest or fair in their criticism. This makes Trump a victim. Leads to sympathy in spite of his flaws. Because his opponents are exposed as frauds they lose all credibility.
I also have interacted with some Trump cult members. These people are unhinged and it has nothing to do with Trump. He's just appealing to them because he's unique in his opposition.
The bell curve meme is pretty accurate when it comes to Trump and people I know. The midwit republicans and independents tend to not support Trump.
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