One thing I have noticed with deconstruction is that it often falls along the lines of what the person really wants to do. IE, what they are deconstructing is inconvenient for their life. It seems that it can be post hoc reason to tack on to actions that break their previously held beliefs. I just don't believe in God anymore... therefore I can leave my family and do what I want. But I'm justified in doing that because this whole God thing can't be real.
The other thing I've noticed is that deconstruction makes the deconstructor or feel powerful. They cut these giants of the past down to size. They weren't so great. Look at these flaws! Instead of looking at them and realizing that despite their failures and flaws look what they created. Instead of realizing, I have many flaws. Many I'm probably blind to. How will I be judged? Would I want people to throw out all I have contributed because of these flaws?
Of course most people don't really contribute much(including me). But it is so short sighted to handle people from the past in this way.