Achieving freedom won't be easy. I believe the current global system is starting to feel the foundations shaking strongly, so it will resort to violence and force to suppress freedom. They won't hesitate for a moment to arrest, restrain, or even kill anyone or any entity standing in their way.
Achieving freedom won't be easy if we continue doing what we currently are (generally speaking) and living by someone else rules and values.
Let's change ourselves first, without prejudice nor shame, embracing ethical values. Leading by example, someone said. It's much easier to change our individual habits than change those of a group. That will might happen under brute force circumstances and against our will... why wait for it?
Want some inspiration? Start from:
  • give up following sport, play games yourself instead
  • give up TV, talk with your local people instead
  • give up consuming media news, digest books and read instead
  • give up consuming things that do not last, produce durable goods instead
  • ...
We are freeborn, and we don't know! We get sold at birth, and we are unconsciously slave of a society that give us comfort, luxuries at the price of wealth and health. It's complex and just few words can't provide.
Living a life with the fear of being brainwashed, restrained, arrested, judged, or even kill it's not a life... it's slavery. There's ways one can avoid all that, it's just business and if you don't want to contract you are free to do as thou wish.
wake up Neo...