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These agents control the information available to our people. They manipulate public opinion, elect whom they will locally and nationally, and never expose the crooked money system. They promote school bonds, municipal bonds, expensive and detrimental farm programs, “urban renewal,” foreign aid, and many other schemes which will put the people more into debt to the Bankers. Thoughtful citizens wonder why billions are spent on one program and billions on another which may duplicate it or even nullify it, such as paying some farmers not to raise crops, while at the same time building dams or canals to irrigate more farm land. Crazy or stupid? Neither. The goal is more debt. Thousands of government-sponsored ways to waste money go on continually. Most make no sense, but they are never exposed for what they really are, builders of “billions for the bankers and debts for the people.”
So-called “economic experts” write syndicated columns in hundreds of newspapers, craftily designed to prevent the people from learning the simple truth about our money system. Commentators on radio and TV, preachers, educators, and politicians blame the people as wasteful, lazy, or, spend-thrift, and blame the workers, and consumers for the increase in debts and the inflation of prices, when they know the cause is the debt-money system itself. Our people are literally drowned in charges and counter-charges designed to confuse them and keep them from understanding the unconstitutional and evil money-system that is so efficiently and silently robbing the farmers, the workers, and the businessmen of the fruits of their labors and of their freedoms.
When some few Patriotic people or organizations who know the truth begin to expose them or try to stop any of their mad schemes, they are ridiculed and smeared as “right-wing extremists,” “super-patriots,” “ultra-rightists,” “bigots,” “racists,” even “fascists” and “anti-Semites.” Any name is used which will cause them to shut up or will at least stop other people from listening to the warning they are giving. Articles and books such as you are now reading are kept out of schools, libraries, and book stores.
Some, who are especially vocal in their exposure of the treason against our people, are harassed by government agencies such as the EPA, OSHA, the IRS, and others, causing them financial loss or bankruptcy. Using the above methods, they have been completely successful in preventing most Americans from learning the things you have read in this pamphlet. However, in spite of their control of information, they realize many citizens are learning the truth. Therefore, to prevent violence or armed resistance to their plunder of America, they plan to register all firearms and eventually to disarm all citizens. They have to eliminate most guns, except those in the hands of their government police and army.
🇳​​​​​🇪​​​​​🇽​​​​​🇹​​​​​ #622085 TELL THE PEOPLE
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This is a chapter of the book

Billions for Bankers & Debts for the People

The Real Story of the Money-Control Over America - by Pastor Sheldon Emry
Give it a read! Start from the...
🇮​​​​​🇳​​​​​🇩​​​​​🇪​​​​​🇽​​​​​​​​​​ #622479
128 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 25 Jul 2024
My wish for today is that Americans understood the difference between arms and firearms.
You should consider explaining it in your daily pills! Violence never brought anything good to the table...
Achieving freedom won't be easy. I believe the current global system is starting to feel the foundations shaking strongly, so it will resort to violence and force to suppress freedom. They won't hesitate for a moment to arrest, restrain, or even kill anyone or any entity standing in their way.
Achieving freedom won't be easy if we continue doing what we currently are (generally speaking) and living by someone else rules and values.
Let's change ourselves first, without prejudice nor shame, embracing ethical values. Leading by example, someone said. It's much easier to change our individual habits than change those of a group. That will might happen under brute force circumstances and against our will... why wait for it?
Want some inspiration? Start from:
  • give up following sport, play games yourself instead
  • give up TV, talk with your local people instead
  • give up consuming media news, digest books and read instead
  • give up consuming things that do not last, produce durable goods instead
  • ...
We are freeborn, and we don't know! We get sold at birth, and we are unconsciously slave of a society that give us comfort, luxuries at the price of wealth and health. It's complex and just few words can't provide.
Living a life with the fear of being brainwashed, restrained, arrested, judged, or even kill it's not a life... it's slavery. There's ways one can avoid all that, it's just business and if you don't want to contract you are free to do as thou wish.
wake up Neo...