This is a follow up to my post yesterday Punishment is a Public Good. Thank you to everyone who read, commented, and zapped that post. I really appreciate it.
Now I want to think through the implications of that topic for Stacker News, specifically. Before I jump into it, @Signal312 started this whole conversation with his post Low value, throw away comments - why are they made?, so if you want to follow the entire discussion, check that out.

The Problem

In brief, there's a free-rider problem with downzapping. Whoever downzaps bad content pays the full cost of the downzap, while we all benefit from bad content being outlawed. That means we each have an incentive to let someone else do the downzapping, which leads to less/slower downzapping than would be optimal.

Possible Solutions

Status Quo

First off, we may not need to do anything. The tools currently available to us (downzapping, muting, ignoring) may be sufficient. As I review the literature on public goods games, oftentimes simply allowing peer punishment performs better than more complex punishment schemes.
It also appears that individualized positive rewards for contributions, like we have, perform better than punishment in some experiments.

Use the Current Rewards System

To me, the most obvious option (which certainly doesn't mean it's the right one), is to fold this into the rewards system. Downzapping bad content early could be treated the same way as zapping good content early. There are disincentives to downzapping good content that are already in place (it hurts your trust score), so we shouldn't have a major downzapping problem.
I'm thinking that "bad content" would mean content that got outlawed. There could also be a cap on what gets rewarded, by not counting downzaps on content that is already outlawed.

Use the Trust System

In the comments of the linked post (#619707), @Signal312 and @didiplaywell were discussing the possibility of having muting impact trust scores. It makes sense to me that muting someone should drive your trust score with them to zero.
Would something like that be sufficient to reduce the reach of spammers, to the point that they don't bother trying? Btw, check out their comments, because there's more detail and substance than I'm relaying.
The trust system is part of developing a reputation on SN, in addition to your literal reputation amongst the stackers. Many public goods experiments have found reputation to be very effective at reducing anti-social behavior.

Stacker Sherrifs

Here's a fun idea that came out of talking to @Coinsreporter and @carlosfandango (#620797). We could have sheriffs of Stacker News! How on brand is that?
It turns out there are some papers demonstrating that designated punishers can be superior to strictly relying on peer punishers. One of those papers even finds that randomly designating the punisher each round is the most stable solution to sharing the costs of punishment.
This could be implemented right alongside current downzapping. The sheriff(s) would be notified of their status first thing in the morning and that's that. The literature appears to indicate that human altruism will take care of the rest.
Extra bells and whistles
  • There could be a tip jar that gets divvied up amongst the sheriffs.
  • They could get the rewards described above for downzapping.
  • Their downzaps could be stronger.


We may be fine as is, but there are also some interesting options to pursue that would reduce the likelihood of a serious spam problem emerging. Downzapping and reputation are likely the most important tools to have and we already have them.
Minor tweaks to the rewards and trust systems could help, but should be undertaken with caution. We don't want to over incentivize downzapping, since we're probably near the optimum already.
Simply selecting a few random sheriffs everyday would be extremely on brand and there's a good chance that it would help.


I don't think about the cost or consider the lack of reward. I just downzap what I feel should be downzapped.
I happened to be SN briefly around 3am this morning and I saw a new user joined and their first post was just a cut and paste of your entire Punishment as a Public Good post. Clearly they saw the numbers you did and were trying to get some sats. I downzapped, then downzapped their bio post, then left a snarky comment.
If Stackers want the best possible SN environment they should take the approach that the cost is worth it long term because if the site is riddled with spam, sats farming and garbage posts SN will not likely succeed and that will be a net loss to all stackers both from a community perspective and a financial perspective.
Downzapping can be looked at as a maintenance cost.
I nominate you for sheriff.
Make @siggy47 the sheriff. He knows the law better than most. I don't want to downzap anyone to be honest. Only obvious bots, sats farmers and grifters.
Yes, make @siggy47 the sheriff and @undisciplined must be judge to decide upon if there's any controversy arising out of downzapping.
I am not qualified for the task. No boomers should be considered for this position. Our technical skills and judgment are questionable.
I would be terrible in that role. I lack the ability to spot stuff like obvious ai, bots, etc. Often other stackers have to point them out to me. @carlosfandango seems to have a knack for sniffing this stuff out, as did the legendary @nemo
I dont know why, but I am also terrible at spotting ai.
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I like that. "The dark times"
51 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 24 Jul
You don’t mean @hn do you?
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I havent seen @nemo.... Did he disappear?
Yes around the beginning of this year.
Hopefully he comes back. He seemed to have deleted a lot of his stuff.
Only obvious bots, sats farmers and grifters.
I think that's all most of us want. I've been making more of a point to downzap stuff like that, too.
The change I made is that I'm just doing one sat, unless it's egregiously bad. My thinking is that if I'm wrong, the one sat won't hurt them. However, if I'm right, the downzap will make it cheaper for someone else to outlaw them.
I dont think I have met any sat farmers or grifters yet. Were they more common before? Or do they still show up?
No not too common but you do get some.
It is interesting to see metrics. And how people go about posting and commenting. @Rsync25 has his own unique style.
Do you have Wild West mode enabled? If not, you won't see the posts and comments that have been outlawed.
I dont have it enabled.... I dont want to see all the nsfw content. Is it worth it to turn on?
Not really, but that’s why you’re not seeing the spam.
I too.
Thanks! The sheriff thing is just an idea but it's the best one!
While downzapping isn't incentivising as of now, one of my post was once down zapped heavily and I saw my rank decline to 40+ positions within a blink of an eye!
My concern with downzapping is that Stackers may use it for personal grudge sometimes!
The nomination of SN sheriffs would be an addon responsibility on some of the Stackers, so they can be incentivized for.
Yes. This whole thing is a delicate balance. I often will just be upfront with someone posting ai without downzapping, giving them a chance to change their ways.
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That is very good. I'll need to copy that.
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I haven't seen one yet.
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I have been distracted with real world stuff and not spending much time on SN for the past week or so. I did find that barrel, though. 😀
@k00b not @koob 🤠
I saw that sticker once.
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you should apologize to @koob, not me 😁
I agree and that came up often in the literature. Prominent stackers, like yourself, are the most likely victims of that sort of thing.
Stacker Sheriffs
What you describe here is exactly what I was imagining yesterday while reading your post. Randomly designating the sheriffs, their downzap is slightly more powerful. You're right, literally a sheriff badge for downzapping is probably all you need. Couple more thoughts:
  • Anyone can anonymously downzap, but maybe sheriffs' are not anonymous? You'd have more power, but more accountability to the stackers to outlaw bad content.
  • I wonder if the number of active sheriffs could scale with amount of people that have "Wild West Mode" disabled? How many sheriffs should/could there be?
@carlosfandango brought a good point about the importance of sheriff anonymity, in the linked comments. We don't want anyone taking retaliatory action against downzappers.
So, while I think it would be fun to have some sheriffs strolling through town, it could get ugly very easily.
Good point. I recently wound up in an akward situation with an account that did a good job of convincing others here that they were legitimate. We had a surreptitious little battle and I made a permanent enemy.
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Thanks for the thoughtful write-up. I don't know enough about the trust score (where can I learn more, btw?) to really comment intelligently on it.
But the thing I care about right now, that caused me to write the original post, is the obvious bots. The post I made yesterday (#619397) was about an obvious bot, that managed to get some sats and was cluttering up decent posts. I would consider getting rid of obvious bots as being a "common good".
For downzapping and muting users that are actual humans - that seems different to me. I may not like their opinions, or think they post too many low value comments - that's a lot more individual. I may want to mute them, but I wouldn't necessarily want to penalize the original poster for it.
So for me, downzapping one individual post doesn't seem very valuable. It's seeing a cruddy post, looking at the user, and seeing AI generated junk, and then deciding the user is a bot or trash user - that's what would be most valuable.
Taking that as my starting point, I would suggest
  • Getting rid of downzapping
  • Keeping muting (free), as is
  • Doing a "10x mute" where you can pay money to mute a user, and that would be a signal to lower the users trust score. And this could be rewarded, kind of what you were suggesting for downzapping.
And I also think doing nothing is an okay strategy, because the current situation isn't that bad.
I just went onto Twitter the other day, and a large percentage of the comments - even on high quality posts - are either junk or useless "me too" comments. Stacker news is so much better.
Downzapping reduces the reach of a post and users who have lots of outlawed content have heavily reduced visibility on their future posts. That sort of seems like what you want.
I don't think reducing their trust score would reduce their reach, at least not directly. What trust does is affect their ability to influence the visibility of other posts.
I share your desire to only wield these powers against bots and intentional scammers.
I like the suggestions made by @Coinsreporter and @carlosfandango. I actually don't have so much experience for being a sheriff here but I'm ready to recommend my name for volunteering sheriff here! I assume it would be fun! 😜
I also like it! It seems interesting that we have some invisible Sherif among us!!!
52 sats \ 6 replies \ @Cje95 24 Jul
Huge kudos to the in-depth and well written issue here! I look forward to reading the comments to see what other people are thinking because I am honestly right in the middle about what should or should not be done. I see the pros and cons of both and maybe someone in the comments will finally hit me with a point that swings me more one way or another!
Thanks. I'm leaning towards the more minimal interventions, like unpaid anonymous sheriffs who have no extra power or pay.
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You're getting at a good point: these ideas and others could be implemented at the territory level, as well as the site level.
Maybe SN would adopt a very minimal intervention, while territories get more ambitious.
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I just hadn't thought about each territory being able to choose which of these to do.
It would be interesting to grant them some of those other powers. I don't see why they shouldn't have banishment powers or maybe something like bail, where you have to pay a fine to regain access.
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whatever y'all do, remember that this is a game, don't get carried away with subsidizing the police force 😅
what about an optional anonymous explanatory note for downzaps? people must feel really strongly against a post in order to downzap, they will probably want to leave a note, but not in public.
I think just being notified somehow that you've been downzapped would help a lot, but learning why would potentially be even better.
Great follow up to a great post!
The sheriff(s) would be notified of their status first thing in the morning and that's that. The literature appears to indicate that human altruism will take care of the rest.
This will also prove that we humans are still much better than automation! This will be our revolt against AI.
Honoured by the mention Sr :)
You might as well just formally solve for the optimal mechanism at this point.
Come on, you know you want to :)
Someone suggested that a long time ago. Was it you?
I don't think it's possible because altruism doesn't conform to our incentive models. I also think @k00b has made a game that is well beyond my ability to analyze: there's a Keynesian Beauty Contest at the heart of it, for Christ's sake.
How do you optimally punish people for submitting low quality choices to a Keynesian Beauty Contest? That sounds like a nightmare 1st year PhD exam question.
Yeah, I was mostly joking anyway. If you could solve it, it would certainly be a paper worth publishing!
I recall someone suggesting that a PhD student in experimental or behavioral econ should study SN as part of their dissertation. That could be a worthwhile pursuit.
That might've been me. In fact, it's something i'd love to do if only i could free up more time.
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I'm pretty sure I've only downzapped like, once or twice. I've got the Wild West mod on and I don't notice a ton of noise, but it's definitely there. I think things are good as they are right now. That doesn't rule out the possibility of improvement; I just imagine it's not a priority for SN. I loved the sheriff idea! Haha
What if some of the rewards went to stackers who downzap, based on how trustworthy they are when they do it? Like, each stacker would have two trust scores, one for upzapping and one for downzapping. And we could have two leaderboards, one for each.
That seems like a lot of effort for something that isn't a very big problem (says the guy who just spent several hours writing two posts about it).
If trust doesn't currently factor into downzapping, it probably should. I suspect it's easier to outlaw stuff for those with high trust.
I also have Wild West mode on and I've noticed more outlawed stuff since we started talking about this, a few days ago. It seems like a simple reminder was enough to activate downzappers.
If trust doesn't currently factor into downzapping, it probably should. I suspect it's easier to outlaw stuff for those with high trust.
I've never thought about that before, and I'm not sure if it should be a factor. @k00b is the one who can clarify how it currently works.
I also have Wild West mode on and I've noticed more outlawed stuff since we started talking about this, a few days ago. It seems like a simple reminder was enough to activate downzappers.
I noticed that too.
You don't need payments at all for these problems imo. There is no objective way to curate data (aside from hardware-oriented limits on size, frequency, etc). You need to digitize subjectivity and interface over that. Will not explain, but will show soon.
I agree. The options I favor don't involve payments.
1021 sats \ 9 replies \ @jgbtc 24 Jul
Sheriffs sound like a bad idea.
1046 sats \ 5 replies \ @jgbtc 24 Jul
Seems like an opportunity for power tripping or petty tyrant behavior. I guess the random assignment combats that. My response was a bit of a knee-jerk reaction due to my anti-authoritarian nature.
They don't necessarily get any additional power. "Sheriff" is just a way of sticking with the western motif.
The real rationale for why this works is that it coordinates turn taking and therefor sharing in the costs of punishing bad actors.
I like the idea that everyone has the power to downzap, instead of one person wielding the power.
Everyone would still have the power to downzap. "Sheriff" would have about as much meaning as our cowboy hats.
The experimental literature indicates that this can be enough.
Interesting. I guess it might be a feature worth trying?
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @jgbtc 25 Jul
Yeah, I gotta agree. Sounds like an interesting experiment.
You’ve found a complete non issue “it’s more expensive to be the first to downzap so that must mean not enough is being downzapped uhhh So let’s make a bunch of arbitrary authorities official just for fun”.
Not to sound too dismissive but it’s very silly. The instant jump to surrounding yourself with mom and dad police figures who can help suppress all the …… lack of suppression.
It’s a non issue that authoritarian mindsets are trying to spin as a fun cowboy sheriff game. In reality these are known as power users. Bad idea.
Which is the "complete non issue", spam or lack of downzapping?
If you read what I wrote, you should have noticed that I concluded that we quite possibly don't need to do anything.
Sorry to have triggered you with a discussion of possible solutions to an issue people have been noticing and commenting on.
Simply selecting a few random sheriffs everyday would be extremely on brand and there's a good chance that it would help.
This is the obvious choice, right?
I think so, but it’s not my call.
How do you find out someones reputation if you are new, though? Maybe I just dont notice all the spam content, is there really that much?
Reputations take time for both sides to learn, so new people will basically have to learn from direct interactions and from seeing what others say about the person.
Reputation is only valuable in repeated games, which fortunately this is.
That is true. I wonder if we could have a reputation score, instead of just the cowboy hat? That would be interesting...
We have trust scores, supposedly, but @k00b keeps them secret.
We do? @koob, is this true? I kind of wonder what my score is....maybe I am not hitting enough of the widely popular topics?
Downzapping can be looked at as a maintenance cost
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.