I would love to have had that (especially in my mid 20s), but unfortunately I didn't 😢. I would even just take the supportive people, as my "self investment" was eaten by the need for a place to live in, but sadly it was not meant to be back then.
i am so very grateful to be in the position i am in now, and i give my thanks everyday for it. i am also happy that you are here, and comfortable enough to share something like this with others. i hope you are in a much better and happier position than you were before, and i continue to wish you the very best in the days moving forward!
Thanks. But I haven't been unhappy even though I needed to grind. I do wish i had a lot more free time for many activities, but I was never unhappy with my life.
forgive me for my misinterpretation :( i do hope you're in a better place though!