I think the bigger problem is Congress. No term limits and incumbency is a big advantage
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The government is just a reflection of the culture/people.
I mean those are problems but the rot is much deeper. The desire to control and use violence to do so is at the root. The idea that we all have to live the same and if we don't well then that has to be fixed is only solvable by separation by ideology. Neither side seems open to this idea. My concern is open civil war. I'd rather see "live and let live" or at worst we're gonna go our own way. Good luck with your future.
Not the first time in history. Rousseau, Marx etc were so interested in this utopian world of everyone living with the same “stuff” and brainwashed so many people. We need free thinking people with their heads screwed on straight that can call B.S. when they see it.
You lost me. What do you mean not the first time in history? Did I say that?
Nope. You didn’t state that. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I was just stating the history of these ideas