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Like many of you I have been expecting Biden to announce he wasn't gonna accept the nomination for weeks now. Ever since the debate when the media turned on a dime calling for him to step aside.
It was like this was the first time they saw what anyone paying attention could see. Anyone that uses their mind doesn't buy this act. The media and democrat leadership have known how bad Biden is for a long time. I really suspect that the debate was scheduled so early to give them time to switch horses if they had to do it.
The public has been gaslit for some time by these people in media and politics. They claim that its just Trump supporters doctoring videos and making "cheap-fakes" to make Biden look bad. Its absurd. If you are a democrat you should realize at this point these people are liars. They are not your friends. They are using you. Yes, so is the other side but your team is deceiving you.
So, on Sunday "Biden" announces he is not gonna accept the nomination. But he doesn't do so on camera or even with the traditional official letter head used by his admin. This could be because he is sick with Covid, or it could be that he didn't even put this out. Either way, there are powerful people pushing him out. Democracy is being threatened! By Trump?
Now that he has "agreed" to not run will these same people push him out of office? My guess is that yes. They will try. Here's the pitch to Joe.
Joe, you can go down in history as the man who humbly stepped down to allow a more capable woman do the job. I know, please stop laughing. I said this is how they could pitch it. It will be a historic event and people will forget all about your debate and failures. It will be your legacy. These sociopaths are obsessed with legacy.
In reality the question is. If it is best for the country for him to not run for re-election now. Why should he even remain in power? Step down. It takes that question away from Trump and his team. I suspect a deal is in the works with the party and Harris now. The Biden family isn't dumb, even if Biden is slipping. They will be getting something out of all of this.
Regardless, this is a historic time and I for one am enjoying watching the train wreck. I just hope it red pills more people. So much of the government of this nation is a sham. Its a big con job on the public. Politics is dirtier and more profane than Trump. Trump is profane. Don't get me wrong. He just doesn't put on the civil political act like everyone else. That's the real reason they hate him so much.
For those of us that see this for what it is, its kinda beautiful. We are getting a peak at how it really works. No pretense. Just naked lust for power at any cost. The truth exposed.
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It would also potentially help Kamala if she were running as the sitting president.
I think there will be a stick to go along with the carrot you described. My guess is that the 25th Amendment is said stick. They may have told him that he can step down gracefully or be removed in disgrace.
It could. But I think it would be better if he stepped down gracefully. Its not his fault he is getting old, but he can make himself look better by stepping down and passing the torch.
That's my point. Seems like the obvious best move to me.
It is not his fault he is getting old. You're right. We should have more respect for the older population. The issue is that he's clearly not able to communicate and his admin as well as the media have tried to hide this from the population. For people that claim to love transparency and democracy its rather hypocritical.
That's on top of the fact he's (as well as Trump) a sociopath that craves power.
Right. If he could still perform his duties that the office entails, I wouldnt have a problem with him staying in office. But we didnt elect the people that are running the show now. Both of them are not great choices.
Well... I didn't vote for any of them. That's the farce of it all really. I mean its all an illusion. This democracy scam. Social contract blah blah blah.
Well, in theory no one but the electoral college votes for them. But I know what you mean. The democracy scam has gotten worse and worse as of late.
I think that’s the last thing they want
That would mean Kamala would be in the spotlight way more than they want her to be
Could be. That is exactly why I said "potentially".
It would likely help her unless she screws it up. I think it really depends on what the party wants. If they aren't really thinking they will win I could see them giving Biden the boot. Then they get to make history.
I don't see anything happening until after the convention.
If Biden’s in as bad of shape as he appears, they might not be able to make it that long.
I suspect we will know in the next few weeks. Very possible he's not doing well and this is why he has been out of the public eye. Been reported that he has Covid. Hopefully he will recover and step down, for his own sake.
Convention ends on August 21
It seems like Kamala is getting delegates and endorsements
He should be completing his term all because he is not actually doing anything. Behind the scenes, there's someone else who has been running the presidency for the Dems!
That is possible. I could see that playing out allowing Harris to focus on campaigning. I mean we all know he's not "running the country". Still think stepping down would be smart for dems.
I think Biden deserves one last show of respect from his colleagues. He's been a good leader for the Dems even in the roughest times for them!
highest inflation high cost of living he made us energy dependent Border crisis at home but Billions to protect other countries borders
2 Proxy wars embarrassed us every time he spoke Hid from the media every chance he could Forced a medical experiment drug on the working class. Filled positions with Incompetent Diversity hires vs Experience
This is what you call a great leader? 🤣
They didn't say great. They said good for the Dems...
That’s fair in a demented way
Good for Democrat donors Great for illegal immigrants
Terrible for the country
Not American 🇺🇸
lol. That's funny.
This nation is in more danger than most realize. We are weak and we need a leader to take back control of this country ASAP. The left is literally passing out red pills unknowingly and it’s starting to backfire. Then again, I don’t trust the right either. I think I’ll buy another gun now! Lol
The deeper problem is the level of anger these clowns have stoked in people. It is truly evil how they use division and hatred to profit off of the plebs. There has always been division and deep seated disagreements between Americans. What we have today is a result of the two political parties and their buddies in media.
I was telling my wife the other day, why don't the two parties just trade the presidency every 4 years. Makes about as much sense as what we have now.
Haha. Amen to that. Might as well take turns every 4 years. The deep elite machine is real. We only see dimly now what actually happens behind closed doors.
Yep. I honestly think I'm not cynical enough. I know the average American isn't. I realize this every time I talk to someone that grew up under an openly oppressive regime.
It is harder for the relatively wealthy American to see the corruption and evil in a system we want to so dearly love and trust.
I think the bigger problem is Congress. No term limits and incumbency is a big advantage
The government is just a reflection of the culture/people.
I mean those are problems but the rot is much deeper. The desire to control and use violence to do so is at the root. The idea that we all have to live the same and if we don't well then that has to be fixed is only solvable by separation by ideology. Neither side seems open to this idea. My concern is open civil war. I'd rather see "live and let live" or at worst we're gonna go our own way. Good luck with your future.
Not the first time in history. Rousseau, Marx etc were so interested in this utopian world of everyone living with the same “stuff” and brainwashed so many people. We need free thinking people with their heads screwed on straight that can call B.S. when they see it.
You lost me. What do you mean not the first time in history? Did I say that?
Nope. You didn’t state that. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I was just stating the history of these ideas
‘She Will Fight Him’: Frank Luntz ‘Afraid’ Trump-Harris Matchup May ‘Push The Country Over The Edge’
Frank Luntz trying to incite conflict
Trading wouldn't create all that media fiat.
All of this definitely explores about some 'crook politics'. Biden wasn't willing to step aside from the race but they compelled him. They wouldn't like to lose support from him by forcing him step down now!
Nice write-up. I just hope that the next central clowning committee will at least pretend to love this country.
I dont think it is bad at all if he steps aside for her. She can try to run the country while she goes up for election. I know it is a bit more complicated than that, but I hope she performs better than Biden. Thats all we can hope for, right?
Well, at least she will be able to debate Trump at a somewhat better capacity.
No doubt.
For those of us that see this for what it is, its kinda beautiful. We are getting a peak at how it really works. No pretense. Just naked lust for power at any cost. The truth exposed.
Solid, bottom line analysis right there.
Two actors here, both acting disingenuously: Biden clan and Dems. Biden wants to keep playing president and the Biden clan benefits. Disingenuous in that he said he pulled out for "party" and "country." If best for party, he would resign and give Harris a few months executive experience to bolster chances at winning. If best for country, he'd step down because something is wrong, something is precluding him from running again.
Dems are disingenuous because for years they said "he's fine, he's good," until the day after the debate. Then he's suddenly not. That's called dishonesty.
Summed, power is the goal. Biden served a purpose until he couldn't, then he got the rug pulled out from underneath him.
he wants to entertain us with the greatest shitshow of all time. the end of an empire, the entry into the absurd phase of Dadaism on a political stage
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