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Trump is really speaking a lot about Bitcoin these days. I hope his words translate into reality after he sits on THE CHAIR!
As with many of the things he says, at least he isn't actively hostile towards us, which can't be said for his opponents.
After listening to Whitney Webb's take on JD Vance, Peter Thiel, and the bitcoin dollar I'm not so optimistic.
Her purpose is to spread pessimism
She isn't right about everything
She is very good at putting me in a bad mood.
She mentioned ‘white pilling’ Peter McCormack later in the podcast but I didn’t get that far. 😄
This is my fault, you can blame me
I listen to her for entertainment mostly
Her opinions are plausible but who knows
Don't blame yourself. I have been listening to her for a few years. I even have her gigantic book, but I couldn't get through the whole thing.
Are you a defense lawyer lol
You're right, I'm innocent!
I like Whitney. I find her reports interesting. She is clearly very intelligent. However, she has schizo tendencies of trying to connect too many unconnected threads. Again I'm not saying this to be critical as I like her and think she is a good person.
A summary of her report of JD Vance is this:
  • JD worked closely with Thiel
  • Thiel funded his political career
  • JD also is close to other members of "PayPal mafia"
  • Theil's software, Palantir, exist to provide data to intelligence community
  • Palantir is filled with spooks and ex-spooks
  • Palantir is a continuation of PROMIS software that arose post 9/11
  • PROMIS itself had its life in Main Core database which was during Iran-Contra affair
Now each of those points is factually correct. However, I don't think that an actual narrative exist....and frankly its a bit absurd to tie JD Vance back to Iran-Contra....I know she is not intending to directly connect those dots, but she implies that they are loosely connected. Its a impressionistic hit piece of sorts....
Now I'm not some JD Vance fanboy as I honestly don't know / care too much about him. From my brief research I like about 70% of what he says, yet I'm strongly against his war mongering against Iran statements.
Iran Contra hearings were in 1986. JD was born in 1984.
JD also left Thiel's company and moved back to Ohio in 2019. Clearly Thiel is trying to control Ohio.
Very good summary. If I had seen this first I would have an hour of my life back.
The chair is called a throne.