From that point on – Bitcoin shifted from being “Notgeld” – emergency money amid a slow-rolling, global hyper-inflationary event, and it became inevitable component of a future, successor monetary regime.
"Bitcoiners" when they hear a politician talking about BTC...
But they forget the past...
politicians would say anything for the votes.
Whitney Webb would agree. She has been talking on many podcasts about the dangers recently (WBD, TFTC, Jimmy Dore)
I have a simple rule in my life: FUCK'EM'ALL (politicians). NEVER ever trust or listen any of them.
"We want all the remaining Bitcoin to be MADE IN THE USA!!" cracks me up every time I see it.
It's his lack of knowledge about Bitcoin. We shouldn't blame him too much. He is, after all, a noob among us!
I'm just laughing because it's so Trumpian. Vivek or JD made him aware that bitcoin is mined and his immediate reaction is that it needs to be made in America.
It also does fit well with his preference for energy abundance.
Very much Trumpian
He wants bitcoin mined in America because bitcoiners have donated millions to his super pac. It's also a stark contrast to the Democrat view of mining uses too much electricity and contributes to climate change.
It seems more gut level than that. If something can be made anywhere, he wants it made in America.
MARA Pool Ramps up Bitcoin Production as Uptime Improves - TheMinerMag (
especially if you own public miner like Riot, Marathon, Clean Spark, Wulf, Iren, bit farms, etc
not me but my 'friends'
Can you unpack that a bit for me?
These public miners are based in USA especially in Texas
They have contributed to his super pac
No 30% excise tax on electricity consumed by miners
I also own public mining stocks like the ones I listed above
Trump is really speaking a lot about Bitcoin these days. I hope his words translate into reality after he sits on THE CHAIR!
As with many of the things he says, at least he isn't actively hostile towards us, which can't be said for his opponents.
After listening to Whitney Webb's take on JD Vance, Peter Thiel, and the bitcoin dollar I'm not so optimistic.
Her purpose is to spread pessimism
She isn't right about everything
She is very good at putting me in a bad mood.
She mentioned ‘white pilling’ Peter McCormack later in the podcast but I didn’t get that far. 😄
This is my fault, you can blame me
I listen to her for entertainment mostly
Her opinions are plausible but who knows
Don't blame yourself. I have been listening to her for a few years. I even have her gigantic book, but I couldn't get through the whole thing.
Are you a defense lawyer lol
You're right, I'm innocent!
I like Whitney. I find her reports interesting. She is clearly very intelligent. However, she has schizo tendencies of trying to connect too many unconnected threads. Again I'm not saying this to be critical as I like her and think she is a good person.
A summary of her report of JD Vance is this:
  • JD worked closely with Thiel
  • Thiel funded his political career
  • JD also is close to other members of "PayPal mafia"
  • Theil's software, Palantir, exist to provide data to intelligence community
  • Palantir is filled with spooks and ex-spooks
  • Palantir is a continuation of PROMIS software that arose post 9/11
  • PROMIS itself had its life in Main Core database which was during Iran-Contra affair
Now each of those points is factually correct. However, I don't think that an actual narrative exist....and frankly its a bit absurd to tie JD Vance back to Iran-Contra....I know she is not intending to directly connect those dots, but she implies that they are loosely connected. Its a impressionistic hit piece of sorts....
Now I'm not some JD Vance fanboy as I honestly don't know / care too much about him. From my brief research I like about 70% of what he says, yet I'm strongly against his war mongering against Iran statements.
Iran Contra hearings were in 1986. JD was born in 1984.
JD also left Thiel's company and moved back to Ohio in 2019. Clearly Thiel is trying to control Ohio.
Very good summary. If I had seen this first I would have an hour of my life back.
The chair is called a throne.
I don't actually believe this newborn faith of Trump! He was used to crying aloud for Dollar in his last term. Can he now say that dollar is inferior to Bitcoin?
He's just trying to buy himself some votes. I can't imagine he will have studied enough to convince people at the conference that he's for real.
He can convince uneducated people like him. But he's not gonna convince you and other Stackers from SN for sure!
We can/should only be convinced by his words of he joins us here on SN read all ~Bitcoin_beginners content daily!!
It means nothing. The only thing that matters is that there will be another block in about 10 minutes.
The truth is that politicians, when it comes to gathering votes, promise one thing and when they are already up, they apply something totally different... candidate Trump, now that he is in the political race for the presidency of the United States, suddenly has a positive point of view and pleasant towards Cryptoeconomics... if you ask me I would say that there is something hidden at hand... what we stakers must do is continue acquiring knowledge... and stack up day by day and thus create and strengthen our most powerful accumulated asset for our future.
Umm trump is speaking a lot about Bitcoin these days
He, like all other actor politicians talks alot and everything to gain votes!
So let's see what goes from talk to reality!
Don't be to positive until shit actually happens!
We’ll see if it happens when it’s go time!
What we can say for sure is that Trump could lead to an unexpected surprise. Maybe in 2 years he suddenly endorses it (without knowing it himself now yet)
Stop falling for political trappings. Fuck all parties and all politicians. Only we can make this a better world.
Yes. Trump can hear the dollar signs, that is why he is latching on to this group. And he can pull a certain amount of votes from them. It has nothing to do with self interest at all lol
Politicians try to raise money from various interest groups, usually like minded. Is he sincere? maybe, maybe not
RFK will also be in Nashville
Come on, are you really trying to tell me Trump is interested in bitcoin? "If you believe that, I have a bridge I want to sell you."
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