I think its semantics issue. I think the people of who don't believe in "deep state" think you are saying "the illuminati"
However, if you asked them: Do you think there are permanent group of bureaucrats that go from administration to administration, and who its impossible to get anything done without their buy-in?
Then I think those people would agree that, yes this exist.
the question is more who is really in control in the end
from Brave search AI...
Based on the provided search results, the concept of the "Deep State" refers to a hypothetical network of powerful, unelected officials within government agencies, intelligence services, judiciary, and organized crime, operating independently of elected political leadership to pursue their own agenda and goals. This shadowy entity is often associated with conspiracy theories and is seen as a threat to democratic governance.
The term "Deep State" has been used to describe various phenomena, including:
  1. Entrenched bureaucracy: Career bureaucrats or civil servants acting in accordance with the mandates of their agencies and congressional statutes, potentially at odds with the administration's policies.
  2. Intelligence community's influence: The CIA, NSA, and other intelligence agencies exercising significant influence over national security and foreign policy, potentially outside the boundaries of elected officials' authority.
  3. Hybrid association: A combination of government agencies, top-level finance, and industry, effectively governing the United States with limited reference to the consent of the governed through elections.
Notable authors and experts have contributed to the concept of the Deep State, including:
  1. Mike Lofgren, who describes Washington D.C. as a "shadow government" in his book "The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government".
  2. Jason Chaffetz, who argues that an "army of bureaucrats" protected Barack Obama's agenda and is working to undermine Donald Trump's presidency in his book "The Deep State: How an Army of Bureaucrats Protected Barack Obama and Is Working to Destroy the Trump Agenda".
The concept of the Deep State has been fueled by concerns about government secrecy, perceived abuses of power, and the perceived disconnect between elected officials and the permanent government. However, it remains a contested and debated topic, with some viewing it as a legitimate critique of government inefficiencies and others dismissing it as a conspiracy theory.
In summary, the Deep State refers to a hypothetical network of powerful, unelected officials operating outside the boundaries of elected political leadership, potentially threatening democratic governance. While the concept has been explored by various authors and experts, its validity and scope remain subject to debate.
Eyes Wide Shut illuminati?
From Brave search AI...
The term "Illuminati" refers to various groups throughout history and contemporary times, often shrouded in secrecy and mystery. Here's a breakdown of the different iterations:
  1. Historical Illuminati (1776-1785): Founded by Adam Weishaupt, a professor of law at the University of Ingolstadt, Germany, the Bavarian Illuminati was a secret society aimed at promoting secularism, reason, and enlightenment. With around 2,000 members, it was disbanded by the Bavarian government in 1785 due to perceived threats to the established order.
  2. Rosicrucians and Alumbrados: These 16th-century groups, also known as Perfectibilists, shared similar goals with the Bavarian Illuminati, focusing on spiritual and philosophical enlightenment. While they existed independently, they influenced the development of the Illuminati concept.
  3. Contemporary Illuminati Conspiracies: Modern conspiracy theories often portray the Illuminati as a powerful, shadowy organization controlling world events, governments, and economies. These claims are largely unfounded and lack credible evidence. Notable figures like Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Katy Perry, and Queen Elizabeth II have been falsely linked to the Illuminati.
Key Characteristics
Secrecy: Many Illuminati groups, past and present, have emphasized secrecy and confidentiality to maintain their mystique and protect their members. Enlightenment ideals: Historical Illuminati and related groups aimed to promote reason, secularism, and individual freedom. Hierarchical structure: The Bavarian Illuminati, for example, had a three-tiered system with degrees of initiation and responsibility. Oath-taking: Members were often required to take an oath to uphold the society's goals and maintain secrecy, with punishments for betrayal.
In Conclusion
The term "Illuminati" encompasses various historical and contemporary groups, each with their unique goals and characteristics. While the original Bavarian Illuminati was a real organization, modern conspiracy theories surrounding the Illuminati are largely unfounded and lack credible evidence. It is essential to distinguish between historical fact and fictional narratives to avoid perpetuating misinformation.