I'm mostly pretty easy-going most of the time, but I can hold a grudge.
Here's one - I won't pay a penny for anything at Starbucks. I've been boycotting them for...I guess it's 3 years now, ever since they kicked me out for not being vaccinated. I used to live in one of those lovely locales that mandated that everyone show vaccine cards to go into restaurants, movie theaters, gyms, coffee shops, etc.
How about you all?
this territory is moderated
I'm getting to the point where I try not to hold grudges anymore. Naturally I do , and I have, but I try to move on and take the high road now. Life is too short.
I can see your point. And maybe you're right in some cases.
But I remember a newspaper article of many years ago - a couple decades, but it's stuck in my mind.
Someone was biking on a road very close to where I lived at the time, and got pushed over and injured pretty severely by some hooligan teenage boys driving by in a car. It turns out he was a pastor. He forgave the boys, and didn't press charges. Or maybe he just recommended clemency, and the boys got off with a warning, something like that.
Then it turns out that he regretted his path, because the boys, at least some of them, continued in their juvenile delinquent ways, and I think they may have even continued to push people on bikes over, from their car.
So bottom line - I think holding a grudge can be a valuable thing. More on a societal level than on a personal level, maybe. Because honestly, it would be convenient to head to a Starbucks sometimes.
You had this happen to you? I wasnt allowed in malls and such because I never took the vaccine.
Okay, that sounds even worse.
Harder to hold a grudge against a whole mall, though...
I just stopped shopping in general. I hold a grudge to a few places, though. Hippie coffee shops especially who took it too far.
The one coffee shop that was open to me was one that was associated with an evangelical church. I was honestly so grateful that I still had a place to go.
Also there were secret lists circulated around of those places that weren't checking vaccine cards (when they were supposed to).
I'd almost forgotten about these lists - that period was pretty traumatic - but back in the day I checked them a lot, and people would keep them up to date. They were generally in Google docs.
And people would keep them private, only to be shared with trusted friends, because there were lowlifes who would report the restaurants or coffee shops, for not checking vaccine cards.
I didnt have anything like that. I was in Taiwan during that time, and they did a lot by the book.
Don't hold grudges, bro, because it will cause illnesses that arise from the mind, illnesses arise from the mind, bro. It's best to put yesterday's problems aside, and have fun by sitting back and enjoying a cup of coffee and toast.
Ha...just realized I posted this in Music. Meant to put it in Mostly Harmless...
Very rarely, but yes, and forever.