I still get a "grifter vibe" from this woman. Not saying she isn't right on many things. I can't shake the sense. I don't trust her.
Whitney Webb? Where have I seen her before?
Yeah, he picked him for his own benefits. Not for the benefit of the voters.
61 sats \ 1 reply \ @freetx 21 Jul
Politics is the choice between a shit-sandwich and glass of muddy water....
In this case Trump/Vance is the muddy water. They are not magical saviors and not ideal libertarian candidates....however if they only manage to halt the military industrial quest to start WWIII then its a win for the world.
Usually this is pretty true. I guess it really depends on what is on their agenda. I can see them pushing the war to make profit.
I might still take him over the others who were being seriously considered, but that article definitely raises some concerns.
It won't matter to the partisans. But the partisans won't decide who wins.
That depends on turnout, to some extent. If there's enormous partisan turnout on one side and very low on the other, then it doesn't much matter what independents do.
I could see there being a pretty big enthusiasm gap this year. Vance is probably better from that standpoint than Little Marco would have been.
Yes, this is where Trump brilliantly disrupted American Political Science 101. For decades high voter turnout meant Ds win. Not any more.
It worked last time, but I don't think people are as animatedly anti-Trump as they were then. It's hard to stay at 11 for eight straight years.
We will see how it turns out. This is only the beginning lol
He did have an interesting election and term last time. He didnt really have to fight anyone significant last time.
There are a lot of people who arent impressed with biden or trump. Guess we will have to see how active the voters will be this election.
Who will be deciding?
The center independents, know as the silent majority.
Silent majority? I am going to have to look that up.
It is an old political term. Roughly 51% of the voting public is registered as independent. 26 % Republican and about 23 Dem. You only hear from the parties. Think about it.
Interesting! That 51% might be swaying things this time!
Who else was considered?
Did he pick the JD Vance guy? Tucker Carlson would be an interesting pick...
What are your thoughts on that?
I think Trump's base was going to be happy with whomever he picked, so I don't think it mattered. I think Tucker Carlson would have been a huge deal.
I just listened to her podcast with Marty on TFTC and it’s more of the same. All loosely affiliated people and companies link to this intelligence agency and that and evil is on the way to subjugate us to worthless beings that are only here to placate the rich and keep us all safe in the process.
Sorry that is already happening. It’s been happening since after World War 2. Got way worse after 9/11. And yet we are told to “opt-out” do not comply when over the weekend windows and crowdstrike brought the modern world to its knees with a bug that was uploaded via an auto update. The fact that Whitney communicates over this internet protocol designed by DARPA while making money while she chills in Chile to tell us it is going to get much worse is conflicting to me.
People and ideas can change the world. You hit a critical mass of people then they can become a policial force go into politics and change the laws.
Hate the bank secrecy act? Well do the work now and maybe it can be destroyed or struck down by the courts. Sure it might take 30 to 50 years but it can happen if you play the long game and get in the game of politics.
I have a hard time getting worked up about Trump, his VP pick, or Biden. Like you say, none of this is new. Don't put you hope in these clowns. Work towards building a better world now for future generations.
Ask yourself if Congress and the presidential office was filled of toxic bitcoiners would nonsense like forever wars and big pharma be possible?
If you pay attention long enough you see the patterns. Fear is the key tool they use to keep people dumb. It just becomes more clear every year to me.
Trump's, if elected, will be a government full of influence from Billionaires and they'll get their representatives in the White House on important posts. J.D. Vance is a representative of Peter Theil!
The US politics need some reform. Maybe the Biparty system should be revoked and then see the reality how many are Trump's supporters. Trump's challenge will be to adapt all of them inside the government.
Two party system leaves 65% of the people unhappy.
Absolutely right bro.
Related to the article: Alex Karp's Political views
Any sources other than Wikipedia?
No, it was the first time I ever thought about the person who founded and runs Palantir.
Thiel put a staggering $15m into Vance’s campaign and, according to the Washington Post, helped court Trump’s endorsement, leading to Vance winning a tightly contested Republican primary race and then the senate election.
It's enough to tell how much influence Theil is going to have in Trump's government.