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Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Thanks you stacker ❤️
Good morning stakers Have a great day 😊 Love from Nepal ❤️
Would be cool to see a Nostrocket use Nsec Bunker, Shipyard, Npub.Pro, Stacker News, etc.
An npub run by a decentralized organization, similar to doomberg.
The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters),
Just renewed my territory @k00b. The bug is fixed. Thanks!
Thanks have a great day stacker
Good morning everyone 🌞🌞 Have a beautiful day 💞
BITCOIN This Week: Trump, Blackrock & A Cyber Pandemic... https://youtu.be/MyQyZjqjBtw
Southwest has been unaffected because they use Windows 3.1
I have had so many early mornings lately. I can feel my body is starting to drag..
Got my first referral.
The first of many, I'm sure.
from a friend: The CrowdStrike outage that resulted in a 10% decline in their stock price today and Biden declaring that he's staying in the race put a cherry on top of what has been the most amazing political week in recent memory.
That bullshit intel report put out by Obama right after Trump was elected was essentially written by CrowdStrike, and U.S. Intel agencies simply put their stamp on it.
CrowdStrike actively participated in kneecapping Trump days after he was elected and before he was inaugurated. The damage they did to Trump poisoned his entire 4-year term.
The Meme is the message!
Anyone else ever get rugged by TheBitcoin Company? Bought a card today for groceries, and they happily took all my sats, but six hours later, still no card, and no reply from their customer service. Usually, I'd expect a failed transaction and a refund, but the sats clearly went through.
Updating to note that they did respond just now and I have my card. As noted, a response (even a "we're working on it" earlier would have saved me a bit of stress, but it's resolved.
I have no idea how their company operates, but 6 hours feels short to claim a rugging. Give them a chance to make it right?
If they even did a standard automatic acknowledgement, I'd be less reactive. But I've heard crickets.
Good point, just something to tell you that they've received your request would be nice!
That's one way to solve a mental health crisis I guess.
"'If you want to die', the voice says in the processor, 'Press this button',"
The development team is seeking to build a double Sarco so couples could end their lives together.
jesus h christ
Thank you 🙏 have a great day
Thank same to you
Ready for the weekend! Family pool And movie night!
I don't understand why they are taking casteism so seriously? What do they ain to achieve by learning about it? It's a total bullshit!
It may not be going out on a limb at this point, but I’m making the call on Biden right now.
  1. he spends the weekend at home “resting, recovering, thinking”
  2. returns to White House early next week, Monday or Tuesday
  3. lays low, but before the week’s end, staffers declare a “major announcement” imminent from the president
  4. gives a “Cross Hall” White House announcement something to the effect: “After consulting with my family, and for personal health reasons, we’ve decided it is in everyone’s best interest for me to pass the torch of the Democrat party. I am withdrawing my name as a candidate for the 2024 party nominee.”
  5. turn, walk down the hall, turn right
  6. turn the page; Democrats begin to reminisce the “incredible” job Biden did for America, practically saving the nation from certain ruin, and go “whole hog” on Harris
We’ll see how it plays out.
Close enough
After nearly a decade of utter madness, can we finally order the FBI, DOJ and CIA to butt out of our elections?
Can a bankrupt media cease whipping up hysteria about a supposed Nazi-like takeover?
Can the left stop relying on washed-up British spies, corrupt ex-spooks and teams of clownish partisan prosecutors?
Instead, why not, at last, just let the people choose their own president?
Better to be alone, than surrounded by worthless people
fun fact: ppl think that if you are alone = boring life...😂
I rather be alone than talking BS or gossiping.
I agree with you!
⚡Stacker News Live starting around 4pm CST. Will be streaming on all the socials.
Bitcoin only, 🤙onward.
Possible bug: The indication of new comments on posts (blue square) is not working properly:
  • after commenting on a post the indication appears even without new comments;
  • the indication is not shown when there is only one new comment (post with one comment only);
This last month I've really been wrestling with the idea of starting a territory for Meetups. Trip reports, advertisements, personal connections. Meetups and bitcoiner personal relationships are super important to spur on natural bitcoin use and circular economy, and I think this would have a positive role in that.
Do you think a well-managed territory like that is something you could use? or reference?
If there was a better name than a simple and clear "Bitcoin Meetups" what do you think it would be?
What's up every one ❤️❤️
#quotes-books Book: Bitcoin for the Poor [[Jul 19th, 2024]] 09:32 #quote Today I listened to an interview on CNBC and what the guest said caught my attention: “How are you going to explain to your grandchildren that you witnessed the largest transfer of wealth in human history and decided not to participate?”
shared from my notes in "Lobseq"
Day 175 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow; Total: 128 (Day 279 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 178 of 120+ pushups per day)
this is real
Been there
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, Jen Psaki and other hosts sat in front of a large LED video screen during their coverage of the Republican National Convention (RNC) to give the false impression they were broadcasting live from the event in Milwaukee.
The MSNBC personalities covered the four-day convention from the comfort of their Manhattan headquarters, according to the New York Times.
“If news organizations don’t represent where they are clearly, then how is the audience to have faith and confidence in the actual content of the reporting?” media veteran and former CNN Washington Bureau Chief Frank Sesno told the outlet.
“It can feel like a frivolous thing — oh, well, gee, we’re just using the pictures behind them — but there’s something profoundly important here.”
Did you hear them saying that Biden surviving Covid is just as impressive as Trump surviving being shot in the head?
Lmao. I did not see that, and I'm not even going to look for a clip to fact check.
I'm 100% willing to gamble taking you at your word because I know what kind of people they are.
Joy Reid
Who else would be dumb enough to say that? Actually, probably a bunch of them.
MSNBC is a clown show
George Gammon:
The Fed “prints” bank reserves (dollars) Bank reserves dollars can only exist on SELECT BANKS balance sheets The Treasury “prints” treasuries (dollars with a maturity) Treasury dollars can exist on EVERY balance sheet in the world Which is more liquid? Does QE add liquidity?
If treasuries are more liquid, QE CAN’T add liquidity. It removes liquidity and therefore QT would add liquidity. (Especially with Tbills) The opposite of what the Fed wants you to believe.
QE only adds liquidity when the asset being sold to the Fed has to be sold at 100 cents on dollar assuming it’s trading at a discount. IOW, 95% of the time QE reduces liquidity, 5% of the time it adds liquidity. It’s important to know the difference between the 2 QEs
After nearly a decade of utter madness, can we finally order the FBI, DOJ and CIA to butt out of our elections?
Can a bankrupt media cease whipping up hysteria about a supposed Nazi-like takeover?
Can the left stop relying on washed-up British spies, corrupt ex-spooks and teams of clownish partisan prosecutors?
Instead, why not, at last, just let the people choose their own president?
"Yet now Biden is being un-personed and Trotskyized, as we prepare the new groupthink narrative of his likely surrogate—a soon to be praised eloquent, mellifluous, and articulate Cicero-Harris."
As Zaps replace likes and hearts I want to be at the front of that trend with my Singularity related cartoons. If you laugh, please zap me. I post here and Damus. Any other recommended sites?
So it seems the whole world can come to a stop because of windows and crowdstrike 😆
Yeah, I don't know, maybe stop using the crap OS in your prod environment? Even CrowdStrike gave us hints (MacOS and Linux are not affected)... well, live and learn I guess. What a day to short their stock...lol
Azure and Windows 10
I only use Windows 11 because I bought a new laptop for 99 bucks
it's insane how fragile many things are...
crisis of competence
I wonder how MSFT is doing his morning
does Wiz compete with crowdstrike?
Howdy! Day 71 of my 10000 daily steps challenge. Enjoy a new day ahead!
there is an IT outage because of a bad windows update. i didnt notice anything myself, but apparantly many companies and institutions are affected.
Day 214 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 886 sats on 18Jul2024! Running total: 133,931 sats!
Blooming with grace. You guys have a productive day.
Trying my darnest to teach my students about the finer points of capitalisation of proper nouns during a synchronous online lesson.
Goes to show that teenage boys only have one thing on their minds. 😡
you should fail him for lack of creativity
Greed has poisoned men's souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical; our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity. More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.
have you met @Darth ?
"More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness" in one ear and out the other
or it doesn't go in one ear at all
Reads like socialism to me.
Day 461 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and day 25 of trimmin' the fat (93.6 | 80.0 | 4.0).
In 1980, Koppel became known for his work as the host of a late night news program called Nightline. The program originated as a series of special reports about the 444-day-long Iran hostage crisis, during which Iranian militants held 52 Americans captive, beginning in early November 1979.
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Day 75 of posting till next bitcoin halving


Another trick that is played upon an unsuspecting person is through the use of quoting acts, statutes, regulations, legislation etc. within unsigned documentation sent through the post.
What the sender of this deceptive document is trying to achieve is to get the recipient to assume said acts and statutes apply to them, when in fact they do not.
What the unsuspecting recipient is doing by assuming said acts and statutes apply to them, is in fact just accepting the offer to contract.
To combat this ploy ask for the name of the person who is going to administrate the acts and statutes upon you, quoted in the document.
No one will accept liability for this, as you did not give them permission or authority to do so.
I like to add!


If you know the LAW (Common Law) and the history of the evolution of Law in America, you should know by know NEVER to enter a government courtroom. BUT if you should somehow find yourself in a courtroom (perhaps dragged in the police), here is a very useful article. Note: It covers only ONE of the numerous tactics available, but for the Common Law “beginner” it should suffice IF (and that’s a BIG “IF”) you do NOT let the judge and others intimidate you sufficiently to make you “cave in”..
How to Respond to Contempt of Court while in the Courtroom
July 23, 2003
Here it is – everyone should keep this – it could save you – it WORKS, we have used it in court many times and if used properly it will back a raging dragon judge right back down in his chair docile……. believe me it is not easy to do that ….. “KNOW RIGHTS OR NO RIGHTS” – William Mayhar (Salem, Oregon, United States of America) How to Respond to Contempt of Court: Proper Judicial Counter Attack
We cringe for people going into court, dealing with the “sons of vipers, offspring of serpents” in these outlaw courts today. So many people write to us and call us, as they are being rendered in the money machine every day, liquidated to the Funding Streams for the elite. The rendering is in the PROCESS and most people do not have experience to understand or recognize corrupt process when they are in the middle of it.
Attorneys do – they created it and don’t let everyone in on the “secret” (wink, wink) while you and your children are destroyed. To help all the people in courts right now who are discovering Sui Juris Process and going in without attorneys, they need to know what to say when the judge turns into a raging dragon because they dared to ask a question or try to make the Record, and to help keep from being arrested.
These tools in particular are used and shared with many thanks to our friends Milt and Darlene Mitcheck, who were the researchers behind the “Vultures” compilations that exposed the false judicial oaths in Oregon in September A. D. 2001, Research that can be also found at our website http://www.avoiceforchildren.com http://www.avoiceforchildren.com.
If you know the right words, they back down right now – they may still have you arrested, but you have said the right words on the record to discredit him in his contemptuous acts against you, and you will use this record in any appeal or future hearings as you go. The main thing is you can discredit him and impeach him in his own courtroom, if you say the right things. This can be used in any court, in any setting, at any level, all the same basic process. And, I think in any country, with slight variations.
Sui Juris process is simple and common law, as “any reasonable people would understand” and bridges all forms of courts or dealing with public authorities. One of the main TOOLS they use to arrest you in a courtroom is “Contempt of Court“. Contempt is an instant six months in jail or a year jail sentence is what you potentially that face. “Judges” use this for any or no reason, mainly for intimidation, and this is where they will (have already) use a stun belt or gun on a defendant who “irritates” the “judge” by asking for our rights.
When they do this to you, and it happens so fast it makes your head spin, if you have this written down, and can keep your wits about you enough to remember to say it, (you should practice it! It is THAT important!) here is what you say: “Is that Civil Contempt or Criminal Contempt, judge?”
(You wait for a response on the Record! – DO NOT talk until the “judge” answers and if they pause this LONG pause is on the record that he cannot answer you – the silence of a witness answering a question is an Admission of Truth in a court record and the longer the pause the better.
All you want on the record is to make them COMMIT and then you go on, and now you have them caught in the permanent Record)
If he says, “Criminal Contempt”, then you say, “Who is making the Claim? What is the Crime? And, Who is the injured Party?” and again wait as long as it takes for him to say something.
If he says, “Civil Contempt”, then you say, “Where is the Contract between me and you? I don’t agree to the Terms and Conditions of the Contract, judge.” .m, NOW you have him acting CRIMINALLY OUTSIDE OF ANY LAWFUL JURISDICTION AND OUT OF IMMUNITY in his own courtroom on the Record and here’s why. In civil court, EVERYTHING is a CONTRACT and nothing can be done that is not a form of a contract. And ONLY HUMANS CAN LAWFULY CONTRACT. Every citation, money exchange, order, anything at all is an exchange – a contract – between two humans. The Constitution is a Contract with the Children of the Creator with Inherent Rights and the constitutionally Sovereign People in the state, bonded by the Judicial Oath – their contract.
Anyway, when you say to him, “I don’t agree to the terms of the Contract.” he KNOWS he does not have a contract with you and if you have committed no Crime, he has no authority to arrest you or even be conducting the hearing – he is OUT of his lawful jurisdiction and OUT of his IMMUNITY.
Now, if he says “CRIMINAL CONTEMPT“, like one judge did to me, judge Robert Walberg, with no lawful oath by the way, he made a FOOL of himself! He said “IF YOU ASK THAT AGAIN, I AM HOLDING YOU IN CONTEMPT OF COURT” I said “IS THAT CRIMINAL OR CIVIL CONTEMPT WALBERG?” and he raged and said “Criminal!”
I said, “What Crime have I committed and who makes the Claim? Who is the injured Party?” He went nuts and started yelling, “The STATE OF OREGON, the Judicial System, the Court”!! I said, “You know that only a live Party can make a Claim and there is no Crime and no injured Party – you know that the STATE OF OREGON cannot make a Claim.” He backed down and sat there red faced (he had already arrested me about three times for speaking before this contempt attempt) and it shut him down.
This was on the third day of the battle in his courtroom/sham jury trial last January – so after this confrontation backed him down he sat WAY BACK in his chair for three hours and let me make the Record, while the jury waited in the back. MAKING THE RECORD WAS MY ONLY GOAL ANYWAY TO UPDATE THE RECORD IN OUR CASE.
Unfortunately for us, the juries do not understand anything at all, and these confrontations scare them, so all the knowledge of court process and higher law goes right over their heads and they do EXACTLY what the judge LETS them do by the way he manipulates the instructions. This judge held his finger to his upper lip and looked like a cadaver for three hours, listening to the record of the crimes of our evidence against the state and his own treason as I outlined what has happened. That is how you make the Record.
You have to use another legal trick called an “Offer of Proof“. When they fight you and attack you, and rage, and say you can’t say anything in front of the jury, and the D.A. interrupt literally EVERY sentence to stop you from speaking for days (I have gone through this!)… you tell the judge “I am going to make an Offer of Proof for my Appeal“. He sometimes will go in the back room altogether and leave the Record on, or he will sit way back and listen while you make the record of your facts without the jury present.
Another trick legal phrase is: “Offer into Evidence“. They will let you go around for days and be denied because you don’t say it that way ….. they are insane, but if you do use their words they know that they have to acknowledge that this is their process and they use it, so you have to be able to use it too.
Another important legal phrase to use is: Rush to Judgement. After going around with them to a certain point and being blocked at all points, you say, “Are you trying to rush me to judgement?” WOW – it works – boy they sit back so fast and shut up you would not believe – you would think they were shot – supposedly four times in a hearing saying that gets a reversal, but with us they don’t give us anything, so I am not sure. But it is an important TOOL, you say this and it means they are preventing you from putting on your evidence as a lawful court and judicial due process requires, and for you to say this as they are doing it is like shooting them in their chair.
I hope people will write these things down in front of them when they are terrified in court – everyone is terrified in the court, even the attorneys, especially when you are bringing truth of this magnitude in there – we say where the truth meets the lie there is fallout – like a neutron bomb, you definitely stir up the hornets nest when you speak the truth in their courtrooms.
The rest of the Process for the People to access the Courts is in the book we wrote. We learned these tools more recently and they are an “addition” to the information in the Sui Juris Book. This is what REALLY happens when you are in there, not what we think will happen or hope will happen. And learning these tools, you are better prepared to meet this present evil face to face.
If you are not in court, save this information and pass it on to friends who need it.
Day 6 of my daily posting journey, after losing my cowboy hat in a wild shoot-out on the outskirts of town.
previously: #612625 🤠⚡

When the love is real, The farts don't matter!
a life without an account is lovely
“When everyone is trying to be something, be nothing. Range with emptiness. Human should be like a pot. As the pot is hold by its emptiness inside, human is hold by the awareness of his nothingness.” ― Shams Tabrizi
146 sats \ 1 reply \ @fed 19 Jul 2024
Day 22 of collecting taxes from stackers.
Collected so far: amount of sats redacted.
finally had some cargo testing, expect something FUN coming up soon:) and then the more I learned about the cargo the more I found similarity with traveling
  • cargo goes through customs
  • citizen go through immigration
ofc you would know what I am talking about if you have been reading @lux daily pill.
undocumented aliens go thru neither
merchandise goes trough ports :)
Then I also learned about the cargo's easyness going around also depends on the relations between the places, same thing like the visa lol visa free or visa on arrival...
products made in X / a X shitizen
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
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It's sad to think people would rather spend cash making LVMH's brands richer. Things like this 1 make all of this almost hilarious.


one of the things I learned about these so-called luxury brands, they are not necessarily offer the best quality, but what they are really selling is the image, and their marketing effort.
I went to one of the fabric shops where Dior went, you would be shocked to know the actual cost of the fabric compared with the price they are selling.
what they are really selling is the image, and their marketing effort
That's the funny thing. People pay copious amounts to promote a brand (for free). 😂
you would be shocked to know the actual cost of the fabric compared with the price they are selling
Yeah, that link was talking about huge differences 1 between real cost and retail price. And that's without considering the working conditions of those actually making their products.


  1. Italian prosecutors found Dior paid $57 to produce bags retailing for $2,780.
People pay copious amounts to promote a brand (for free). 😂
and even thinking wearing those BIG logo are cool...pure stupidity.
Yeah, that link was talking about huge differences 1 between real cost and retail price.
yes just read it - if these brands can make things happen, what's stopping more people creating their own stuff, I mean the ingredients are all out there waiting to be cooked:)
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this is so funny
My friend is part Turkish and she told me recently that her dad who is Turk, asks strangers what is your income and net worth.
She said it's inappropriate and hilarious at the same time
😂😂😂 wild.
I thought your husband was Satoshi
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Is Haringey a neighborhood in London?
fun fact: 900£ can live in a nice house in many places...
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Yeah.. Lost cowboy hat!