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And would you spend all of it on Stacker News?
This is not just a rhetorical question for me. In my country, we have designated a day every month to Home-based Learning. What this means is that students stay at home to complete online assignments and do research on a topic that fascinates them. What this means for teachers like me is that we get to start work an hour later than usual.
Don’t get me wrong, I like my job and everything. But I’m not gonna act proud and pretend that I don’t need this anticipated inch of breathing space.
I still woke up at my usual timing because I decided that the satisfaction I would derive from that one hour of alertness would outweigh the satisfaction gained from sleep. Moreover, the flicker of excitement I’m feeling from that hour of white space prompts me to get up. The world isn’t exactly my oyster, but for an hour, I may perhaps do something different from my morning routine.
Or not. I’m typing this while waiting for the bus that would take me to work. I hope to declutter my work table a little bit. (I know, I’m always about decluttering.) The only thing that I hope to do differently is to post and comment here on turbo mode.
You know, mixing work with pleasure. Clawing my way to the apex of the Leaderboard. Indulging in fast and furious exchanges with whoever’s online now. Maybe learning a new thing or two that would set the tone for the rest of today.
Let’s do it! ✅
I'd try to fit in some Fallout game play. The series got me interested in revisiting the game.
I probably would end up spending it on SN, though.
I’m amazed at how you manage the cognitive switching costs associated with switching to and from work n SN
Perhaps my work is less impressed with my switching ability. Also, I'm already off work, so I'm thinking of this as evening activity.
辛苦了 (Chinese) (Xin ku le) - You have suffered.
Which is what we say to each other at the end of a workday or project.
Isn't Singapore the richest country in the world? Maybe you guys should take it a little easier.
excellent healthcare system clean
even their government is efficient
According to Melissa Chen, public housing has to reflect the demographics of the city state. Example is group A is 50 percent, group B is 25 percent, group C is 20 percent and group D is 5 percent. Public housing units have to reflect that breakdown. The idea is that it prevents neighborhood or building segregation, different groups are forced to coexist
My life is not that structured, I basically decide my schedule. My working hours are extremely flexible and barely monitored. I get extra hours whenever I feel like it. This also means I never feel like I'm finished working. I always think about my work and side projects, on the weekend, etc.
I think what I would value much more is "one extra hour at home without my son asking for my full attention" ;)
I had that this Wednesday. Basically I went straight home after school dismissal and watched an episode of The Boyfriend, Asahi beer can in tow. Haha
Turn a 2h walk into a 3h walk
Try to enjoy a breakfast. It really helps the day!
I did. Had a slow breakfast just now!
Do you eat breakfast after your night shift? Or straight to bed you go?
It depends on what I have eaten throughout the day. I try not to eat before bed though, because it seems to make me a bit more sluggish.
Go for a Harley ride :-) (or whatever motorcycle you own, if that's your thing, that is)
I'd spend it on trading just to make extra bucks
I learn something new about bitcoin
Play video games
Play video games
I would use more time to read a new book I got about Assembly! There is this book which is quite fun to read, as the moment I am still stuck at the second chapter because... I don't have an extra hour.
Link to the presentation of the book: http://www.duntemann.com/assembly.html
We should always try to enjoy as much time as possible, many times because it is so ephemeral and sometimes because we don't know how to value it, we waste it.
Enjoy with my family and friends
With an extra hour I would take my time to take a step back and ask myself what I really want for my life and career. It is too easy to get stuck in the hustle and bustle of things... I might also watch a YouTube documentary or two that I have been putting off too long.
Where I wouldn't spend it is at my job!
Long sleep may be
I sleep longer. Maybe
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