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I need help finishing this Bitcoin pong game - https://github.com/MarvinMK-bit/PongGame
When it is done, 2 peers running lightning nodes should be able to bounce 1 satoshi from 1 node to another and vice versa, with the satoshi behaving as a pong ball.
Winner is the last one to quit the game. The satoshi goes back to whoever supplied it to the game in the foest place.
Game Target use case #1: Make $10 in transactions using that 1 satoshi. Which is never spent in the first place!
Cool idea! What do you need help with exactly?
I need help coding the server ip addresses so that player 1's IP address and player 2's IP address can be different without the game slowing down to less than a crawl (which is what happened when I used ngrok).
If you can code something faster without need for either player to pay rent to a host server for server.py to run in, I'll be grateful. And will make you COO (I plan to make a business selling BTC nodes with node-games of this type to kids. I honestly think this is the future of gaming. After selling enough BTC nodes I plan to sell BTC nodes embedded inside Tennis rackets ๐Ÿ™‚
Otherwise, yeah, I guess I have to pay server rent (but that isn't self-sovereign. I want maximum self-sovereignty) Once you achieve the goal, run server.py and client.py and share with me what IP I should run with in my own client.py so that we sync.
Thereafter, we can play.
Hope to make this happen ๐Ÿ’ช
I have my hands full but I was curious and suspect someone who can help would be curious too.
Hopefully someone will see this and know just how to help.
Canโ€™t you just use Chat GPT-4o to help you with that?
Thanks to GPT-4o, replacing localhost with the shared wi-fi ipv4 address actually runs.
Let me try to do it on a shared VPN.