I just love the invisible hypocrisy of the business press. You will read stories about how Trump is this dangerous nationalist. Then you read in this article how he will hurt the dollar and that's bad. That sounds pretty nationalist to me, being concerned about the US fiat currency.
I think these people are phony. All this nationalist talk and dollar strength talk comes from their own desire to fill their bags.
It's disconcerting when people I have despised for years say positive things about bitcoin. Mark Cuban, Larry Fink, and apparently Jamie Dimon is next? Maybe that's just a rumor?
I know what you mean. But also I take joy in the flip flopping and them demonstrating how full of shit they are.
They are all nationalists. Some are globalists. But really the difference is small. They are all statists. That's the problem. They magnify the nationalist which really is what most politicians have been in the history of every democracy. Its absurd.
They are phony and dishonest
Lying cunts^2