Cuban said these factors meant that Bitcoin could become a global safe haven, with countries and people looking to purchase the cryptocurrency to protect their savings.
Many people may believe on his words but I don't look at billionaire people for advices. They only say words when there is some profit sharing for them as well. They won't come out for nothing or selflessly.
95 sats \ 3 replies \ @OT 18 Jul
Not sure how he came to that conclusion. Silicon valley isn't really into bitcoin are they? It's all blockchain and now AI.
If I recall he got burned on some defi degen rug pull a few years back. He's not a reliable source. Still, normies think he is, and he's taking about bitcoin as a store of value.
55 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 18 Jul
My recollection was that he was pro bitcoin until crypto started pumping in 2020 and the Maxi's started on him. Then he got rekt (with his sh$tcoins) over the bear market.
He's a billionaire right? He's going to have journalists reporting his opinions simply because of that.
Below is a summary of Silicon Valley Bitcoin knowledge:
They don't know the difference between shit and apple butter.
I just love the invisible hypocrisy of the business press. You will read stories about how Trump is this dangerous nationalist. Then you read in this article how he will hurt the dollar and that's bad. That sounds pretty nationalist to me, being concerned about the US fiat currency.
I think these people are phony. All this nationalist talk and dollar strength talk comes from their own desire to fill their bags.
It's disconcerting when people I have despised for years say positive things about bitcoin. Mark Cuban, Larry Fink, and apparently Jamie Dimon is next? Maybe that's just a rumor?
I know what you mean. But also I take joy in the flip flopping and them demonstrating how full of shit they are.
They are all nationalists. Some are globalists. But really the difference is small. They are all statists. That's the problem. They magnify the nationalist which really is what most politicians have been in the history of every democracy. Its absurd.
They are phony and dishonest
Lying cunts^2
“You can’t align the stars any better for a BTC price acceleration”
Mark his words! He's just behind the price acceleration. Did he ever talk about establishing a Bitcoin economy or Bitcoin Standard? IMO, these are people who want to align every form of money in their favour when they know about one.
I think the reason "crypto" is used by these business guys is to keep Bitcoin or of the spotlight so they can be the bankers instead of the bankers.
Also they can exchange value with cheap tokens that overwhelm the observing authorities with nonsense while they settle their own accounts in Bitcoin.
But they also might not give a flying fart and just want to control the maximum amount of $USD.
Cuban said these factors meant that Bitcoin could become a global safe haven, with countries and people looking to purchase the cryptocurrency to protect their savings.
And that seems to be a good thing.
Regardless of the supposed political play being good or bad.
Here's what I think. Cuban thought he could get some attention if he came up with a take like this.
I do think plenty in Silicon Valley hold Bitcoin but never talk about it. I think they want a government more friendly to it. I think they also see the train wreck that is Biden admin. They also likely think Trump will reduce their taxes and be more friendly to their business interests. The assassination attempt likely pushed some to come out publicly for him and some to switch.
Trump is toxic for so many, especially in places like Silicon Valley. Endorsing him has a high social cost. My prediction is that MANY that would never publicly support him will do so privately because its in there best interests.
IMO bitcoin or crypto is only a small factor for most but for those in bitcoin and crypto space it is a huge factor. But what do I know. Cuban knows these jerks. I sure don't.
Trump's campaign has consistently advocated for slashing taxes and imposing tariffs on China and Europe, both of which were his signature economic policies when he was last in office.
I don't believe they are quoting Cuban here but I want to point out that tariffs are taxes and they do affect consumer prices on goods. Trump put them in place and correct me if I'm wrong Biden didn't remove them.
I fail to see how tax cuts increase (price) inflation. Specifically if we are talking about corporate taxes.
Modern monetary theory says tax cuts are inflationary and tax increases fight inflation
Dumb theory, intellectual dishonesty and fraud
Yeah, I'm aware. I don't think this writer is steeped in MMT though. They could be but I doubt it.
Probably not but economic illiteracy and MMT are connected
Hard to distingish between shades of ignorance
Yeah, that's fair. MMT is really appealing to indoctrinated progressives that aren't educated in economic theory. I think it has a lot in common with the prosperity gospel apostasy in Christianity.
I don’t think it is a bitcoin play. Their gravy train ended when rates started going up.
They want low rates, low taxes and geopolitical certainty so they can take money from all over the world and don’t actually have to be good at their jobs.
I am sure there are some exceptions to the rule.
Trump definitely has better advisors when it comes to Bitcoin and tech now with Vivek and JD Vance than he did the first time around.
JD has between 100k and 250k dollars in bitcoin on Coinbase
Of course on Coinbase. Sigh.
I know but Coinbase is actually ok for him.
They won’t rug or steal from him. If anything goes wrong he can punish them as VP
It’s a form of punishment for Coinbase
Also he used to live in San Francisco when he worked for Peter Thiel
Silicon Valley has become so many things in these recent years. Wasn't it supposed to become its own utopia?
Folks, don't buy into what politicians say. They'll say anything to get elected.
Exactly!! Cuban just went to a "crypto" meeting with the Biden Admin. Literally the next day he is all of a sudden for bitcoin.. It's all BS. The biden admin will do a 180 on day 1 if re-elected.. Their new found support of "crypto" will disappear instantly!
Cuban just had a meeting with the Biden admin on Bitcoin and "crypto". He comes out of the meeting all of a sudden is for Bitcoin. Don't fall for their BS. If the Biden admin is re-elected they will do a 180 on day 1 on their new found support of bitcoin. Don't be a useful idiot!
It will become an ordaniry crypto