I've been thinking deep about life lately, and I recently turned 30. My twenties are fully over and I am now in a much different part of my life than I was 10 years ago.
If you could snap your fingers and be 10,20 or 30 years younger, what would you do/do differently?
If I were ten years younger I would focus less time on relationships that I always knew were dead end, and focus time with those that I saw a long future with. Next, I would probably travel more - as the first couple years in my twenties I stayed in the same neighborhood as where I grew up. These would be two big changes, but other than that I wouldn't change a thing.
I look at this as a positive exercise because we can try to look at these certain things we would do differently, and apply it to our own life today. For example, I am now traveling to 10 places beautiful places in the next 12 months, and I'm focusing on relationships that matter to me. What would you do differently?
I would not snap my fingers, like the way things are, if you screwed up earlier, tough luck deal with it and learn from it. It didn't kill ya, it made you stronger... There is no replacement for experience, embrace it and move on. YMMV of course.
I would have more children, maybe...
It depends on would I have all the knowledge and life experience I already have. If not, no matter how you slice it I'd make the same mistakes
I'll take 10 years and BUY BITCOIN!
Now that I have children there is no way I would go back even though there are things I would like to experience again or do over. The odds of being able to have the exact same kids again would be astronomical. I would miss the ones I have too much to risk it.
Now if this was before I had kids I would jump at the opportunity. I feel I could relive life and get a pretty good approximation of what I have now while fixing a few mistakes along the way.
I feel 10 years younger than I felt 10 years ago.
Youth is wasted on the young.
If all conditions remain same as of today, I would start a school.
I would definitely go on a world tour if I were 10 or 20 years younger.
I wouldn't do anything differently because I love where I am now and my path went as it needed to for me to get here.