first touch point was in 2013 bunch of classmates approached me and asked me to help them buy stuff online, i was confused. just put in your credit card. but they were intentionally vague when mentioning it.
they wanted help accessing what was the Silk Road at the time.
i told them they were dumb and would get caught and i wanted no parts of it.
fast forward 5 years, bitcoin ran to 20k and i had to reflect and say 'what the hell is happening, this made up internet money has 200x in the time since i last saw/heard it'
once i grasped that bitcoin wasn't necessarily going up in value, but everything else was depreciated AGAINST bitcoin as an asset. it all clicked, once you put the bitcoin as the denominator it really started to click for me.
bitcoin forced me to question long held beliefs and thoughts. what is money, is a question that alot of Americans, like myself take for granted.
that question tho led me down a rabbit hole i still havent found my way out of yet