Easy to obtain fruit on Guam
the purple is the avocado! But there's another type that doesn't turn purple and stays green.
Living on an island has so many benefits!!
I have a mango tree right outside my apartment, and man when it's in season- it rains, mangos!
🥑Avocado, starfruit and soursop(the pricky green fruit) are my favorite! These are the easy to consume fruit, but if you want 🥥 coconuts- you're on own!
This is the inside of soursop, it's white and sweet and totally yummy. Supposedly, it's cancer fighting!
Here on island, we have chicken running free left and right. Find a nest, but always leave one egg!
And if you catch a chicken, it is YOURS. But don't expect anyone to help you to cook it!
They are fast, and they fly too (short distances)~!