The geopolitical decline of Europe, or rather the eurozone, clearly coincides with the introduction of the euro. The welfare state engineers and central planners, mentally bogged down by technocratic thinking, are stuck in the idea of being able to implement a second world reserve currency while ignoring economic realities such as massive productivity divergences between the member states.
The concentration of power in Brussels has led to the introduction of a second large administrative level that deprives the private sector of further economic resources and puts the eurozone at an extreme disadvantage compared to the mobile economies of Asia or North America.
Their attempt to solve the problem of energy poverty by introducing a kind of euro colonialism with a nethero regime for the whole world has clearly failed, as these figures impressively show.
In order to conceal this decline, not to say demise, the Europeans need a cover story. e.g. the decline of the United States, which is why officials like Christine Lagarde from the ECB constantly refer to the problems in the dollar area to distract attention from their own failures and decline.
The fight of the European institutions against free platforms like 'X', confirms what I suspect: they are now trying to force people into the corset of unified thinking, submissiveness and acceptance of what is coming: capital controls, restricted mobility and information control. It's a bit like shortly before the Berlin Wall was built, when socialists vehemently denied that people could be prevented from moving in any way. That is the nature of socialist systems: they lie, they are ineffective and they always end up collapsing. We are witnessing history in the making!
I'm so happy Elon didn't take the bribe and is keeping X as free from corruption as he can. From the free speech angle they are going to do everything they can to censor, censor and control.
Those two graphs are mindblowing, I have never seen the decline so large and the divergence so broad in one place. This is my first time seeing a chart in this timeframe comparing these two economic powerhouses, and my question is - If you are in the Eurozone, why aren't you leaving or protesting like crazy? Your life and future depends on it!