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As the title says - reply here with a short poem mentioning or being somewhat relevant to Bitcoin and you'll get 1000 sats from me (unless the poem is really really bad...) ;)
1207 sats \ 1 reply \ @jeff 13 Dec 2021

Future's Faction

They wake up in two thousand eight Code-pushing heroes armed by fate Each line a bomb, aimed at the state Tired of explaining, near irate
I don't have time to try to convince you...
Five years on, now it's oh-thirteen, World learning blockchain, charts all green My node is a non-stop machine Mining profits become routine
I don't have time to try to convince you...
Shitcoins pop up in the next boom Up and down, yes but tons of room Pundits and news spout fud and doom They stay poor, as the lambos zoom
I don't have time to try to convince you...
Now fifty-kay, new legislation People screaming "fix the nation" Across each civilization Fun game theory situation
I don't have time to try to convince you...
Since we can see all the action Behind each, any transaction Trust is climbing, satisfaction We are now the future's faction
damn, nice rhymes here !
Dollars make you poor: they flow towards the richest. Bitcoin fixes it.
-The BTC haiku. :-D
1021 sats \ 0 replies \ @Ras 14 Dec 2021
For satoshi I sing, I raise the present on the past, (As some perennial tree out of its roots, the present on the past,) With time and space I him dilate and fuse the immortal laws, To make himself by them the law unto himself
There once was a coin called Bit Its code used to live in Git It replaced all the banks banks And gave Peter Shiff angst Until Saylor bought all of it
Markets will rise. Markets will fall. Stay strong and stack through it all.
What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow Out of this fiat rubbish? Son of man, You cannot say, or guess, for you know only A heap of broken economies, where the sun beats, And the central bank money tree gives no shelter, the state no relief, And the USD no inflation certainty. Only There is shadow under this orange rock, (Come in under the shadow of this orange rock), And I will show you something different from either Debt-based monies striding behind you Or surveillance CBDCs rising to meet you; I will show you joy in a handful of sats.
(Rework of an excerpt from The Waste Land)
If you buy some BTC Make sure is not KYC Failure to do this Will affect your privacy
Buy from ATMs Buy from P2Ps Yes it's more expensive Freedom has a fee
What sphinx of hash trees and blocks bashed open its skull and unleashed its ideas and models?
Immutable ledgers! Uncountable transactions! Lost fiat and unowned dollars! Men screaming on telegram! Suburban shitcoiners sobbing in armies! Old men falling to scams!
Bitcoin whose mind is churning turbines! Bitcoin whose power runs money! Bitcoin whose mouth is one millions tweets! Bitcoin whose soul is electricity without banks! Bitcoin whose fate is against state armies and knowing customers! Bitcoin whose ASICs hum and whir in the winter!
Bitcoin in whom we are a bank without a body! Bitcoin who frightens governments out of natural ecstasy! Bitcoin who I abandon! Wake up in Bitcoin, light streaming out of the sky!
They broke their backs lifting Bitcoin to Heaven! BIPs, nodes, blockversions and no-ops! Lifting the brain to Heaven which exists and is everywhere about us! Forks, ticks, futures, and taproots!
Visions! Omens! Dreams! Promises! Boatloads of wealth, down on the rocks of time.
1002 sats \ 0 replies \ @mf 13 Dec 2021
Some pills are red Some pills are blue But the orange pill Will certainly find you 🍊💊
Bitcoin is the asset There’s no way you gonna crash it Bankers may try China may try Schiff will just cry And cry Fools! The corn will always rule!
Not poetry but some thoughts.
The Bitcoin Army
What people do for Bitcoin & Freedom: Cypherpunks write code... Developers create apps... Memetards make fun memes... Plebs run BTC/LN nodes... Saylors & Bukeles BTFDs... Podcasters promote BTC... Bitcoiners educate nocoiners...
We are all in this together, for the good and the future of humanity. Each one is a "weapon", the silence weapon, the weapon that is not violent but is powerful. WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP! BITCOIN OR DEATH!
soft money grows on a tree hard money will rise what the world desperately needs will attract many eyes
eu não sei falar inglês, muito menos escrever o bitcoin abriu bastante minha mente hoje sou um rapaz menos inconsequente tentei fazer algumas rimas mas se eu traduzir para inglês nada combina de qualquer forma não custa nada tentar foi assim que comecei a empilhar.
You always felt it, there was something wrong/ Couldn't shake it, huming along near your eardrum/ Redrum, murder for the money/ Morphine, honey, you need a cure for pain/ This whole situation is making you insane-in the brain/ There is no solution, it seems/ But you took an orange pill in your dreams/ And through that lense, everything made sense/
"Bitcoin fixes this," the angels sung/ The rising sun, shining all along...
Roses are red, violets are blue. I hope you stack stats, or the inflation comes for you!
not a poem, but some lyrics to a song. dont tip not even my song lmao. but i always see these groups of lyrics that scream to me bitcoin.
' We're biding time as we wait for the signal Sharpening blades while we wait out the storm These cold nights are almost unbearable But purpose keeps us warm Pledge allegiance while crossing our fingers A bark with no bite, no teeth, just a roar You're not a thorn in our side, you're a splinter We are ready, but we're bored Just holding our place in line And everything moves too slow now Breaking away in time
They have the power But we have the numbers now It's all just a constant illusion of control They break us like horses How long will we drag their plow? What will continue to be, is WHAT WE ALLOW '
The thing about the #Bitcoin Rabbit Hole is it truly just gets deeper & broader the further down it you fall… wish I had a photographic memory for all these things I’ve been reading, but no, all I have are dyslexia & an affinity for words misleading