"An unmitigated disaster" by one Democrat to "slow-motion car crash" by another just made it obvious that Biden needs to be replaced.
And now his gaffe at the NATO conference has confirmed all democrats that Biden is no match to fight against a very young Trump!
As it's becoming more likely that Biden will have to step aside or may be ditched, it's time SN makes a call and poll for Who their favourite democratic candidate is?
So, announce it in our own poll, SN!
Who would you like to see step in as a democratic candidate if Biden steps aside or thrown away abruptly?
Kamala Harris 'A pragmatic path-breaker'50.0%
Gavin Newsom 'A billionaire vs Trump!'19.6%
Gretchen Whitmer 'Trump's biggest Hater'2.2%
Josh Shapiro 'Get Shit Done'2.2%
Michelle Obama "Politics is hard"4.3%
Pete Buttigieg "A crisis manager'2.2%
JB Pritzker ''Gun controller''0.0%
Andy Beshear "Not a conservative"0.0%
I've a better suggestion. (Tell us)10.9%
Biden can't be replaced by anyone8.7%
46 votes \ poll ended
  • Kamala would be the most "don't change direction so shortly before the election". And I think that's the main thing going for her tbh.
  • Newsom is the most charismatic and presidential. Maybe Democrats want to save that for 2028 to build up some more branding and media attention. Maybe it's already a card that has to be played now
  • Michelle Obama isn't happening. Hillary Clinton didn't work, if democrats ever try the Obama nostalgia card - it can't happen with the optics of bringing someone back out of retirement in a moment of panic. Bad optics, won't happen.
  • Buttigieg is like the smartest of the bunch. The guy speaks like a dozen languages or so. But he has zero presidential charisma. And also too leftist to unite centrist and liberals and normies. And he has still decades of career ahead. Save it optionally if Republicans ever nominate a moderate again
Conclusion: It's going to be probably Kamala maybe Newsom
I like your way of answering it! Very elaborate!
Doesn't Kamala have keys to the money they've raised?
Probably Newsome.
Kamala can't win. Michelle Obama doesn't seem interested and the others aren't big enough names to take on Trump.
Kamala can't win.
It might be a mistake to assume this matters. My understanding is that she and Newsome loathe each other. She'll burn the whole thing down, rather than stepping aside gracefully.
Kamala's unbeatable race card: "The party of slavery, of segregation, is once again putting the interests of rich white men over the earned [something or other] of black and brown womxn."
Good points but in the end I think the democrat party gets what it wants when it wants. They will only let you step outside of the party line so far. They tolerate the squad's antics because they think they are a net benefit bringing in young and minority voters.
Look at RFK. He was a viable candidate who could win but didn't tow the party line so they cut off his secret service detail.
They might also know that this election is already lost and now it's just about damage control. Better to let Kamala crash and burn than to have her ignite a civil war.
But what about the existential crisis and danger to democracy that Trump poses?
Don't they need to put the country first and save democracy?
I know you're just being sarcastic, but I am getting really tired of hearing about how everything is an existential crisis. Seems like everything is an existential crisis these days.
Trump wins? End of democracy. Didn't respect someone's pronouns? Denied their existence. Any unusual weather? Civilization ending climate disaster.
It's getting extremely tiresome. And it's stifling any real debate or progress. Worse, it gives cover to malicious actors who are just fleecing the public in the name of fighting theses supposedly existential crises
Yes, I was most certainly being sarcastic and mocking the way politicians and media talk.
And it's stifling any real debate or progress.
I believe that's the point.
🎯 💯
“Of any matters of politics or what’s right and wrong, the one thing I know for sure about America is this: it’s run by mean girls,” Maher continued. “Mean girls in the press, and in politics and in life. And when they smell blood in the water, the lust to finish off a vulnerable person will never be denied.”
Replacing the entire ticket is impossible almost because of Kamala DEI credentials and she is also from California
Can't wait for "what can be, unburden by what has been." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6l0tWX7DpM
I'm on the edge of my seat.
A modern day Cicero.
I was thinking Cato but I digress in the subjunctive mood
Democrats may ask Elon to fight against Biden. I've a better suggestion! Lol
They hate Elon now. He is part of the enemy, the outer party
In my humble opinion, on 5th of November Trump will replace him
Vote it. The last option is there. It's last because Dems see it as the last option now
49 sats \ 6 replies \ @fm 12 Jul
Big mike for obvious reasons..
But since Kamala mentioned Not like us, from kendrick, she might have a chance
It’s difficult to replace the entire ticket
Maybe it’s not so difficult but awkward and embarrassing
38 sats \ 2 replies \ @marks 12 Jul
referring to internet claims about "Big Mike" as Michelle Obama
Joking :)
28 sats \ 0 replies \ @marks 12 Jul
"I perform like Mike. Anyone -- Tyson, Jordan, Jackson action, pack guns, ridiculous."
Michelle is bigger than Tyson
I won't mind if a Hollywood actress or a sexy singer replace him..

Who do you vote for now??

All clowns.
In ignorance I thought it would be Newsom after the debate. I mean, he'd do it in an instant. I think it is only a matter of time until he becomes president. Not cuz I like him but because I have watched how the system works.
It seems to me that Harris is the only real option other than Biden. Don't think I posted this anywhere in 2020 but I told my wife then that I didn't think Biden would survive his term. This looks to be more and more likely by the day.
The money that Biden/Harris have raised can't to my knowledge be legally used by any other candidates. I don't think people in the party would look kindly on skipping over Harris either.
My guess is that there is a war going on in the WH and Dem party right now to destroy Biden and get him to step aside before the convention. Suspecting there's some deal being worked out.
More importantly, the US is so divided by these two parties that I'm actually more concerned about the backlash of the election no matter who wins than either of the two clowns running.
To me the only rational path forward when two people or groups are not willing to live in harmony and compromise where they can is separation. The other path I hope we can avoid which is open violent conflict.
That said, I do think people mostly get along and these clowns just seek to divide us and keep us at each other's throats. I refuse to play that game.
these clowns just seek to divide us and keep us at each other's throats. I refuse to play that game.
Sad, but true!
🎯 Czech mate … Slovakia
I think Kamala would step up, unfortunately. Thankfully since she is so unpopular there is no chance she can beat Trump.
May be, kamala has a chance in 2028!
If her previous attempts are an indication, I'd say Kamala has less than 1% chance of ever being president.
24 sats \ 1 reply \ @398ja 12 Jul
What about... no one? 🤷‍♂️
All, as you wish!
The most entertaining outcome is the most likely, so I'm along for the theory that Biden will stay and win with a historic number of votes, spawning a constitutional convention so Trump can re-form the government and discharge the debt
It has to be this way
Yes, if it will do wonders, it has to be this way!
Since 81 million was so plausible let’s go for 90 million
It'll have to be max regarded to finish the wakeup, 110+
24 sats \ 1 reply \ @crrdlx 12 Jul
Vice President Trump
That was funny, yeah!!!
Kamala may poll terribly, but she's too power hungry and narcissistic to step aside. She also has an unbeatable woke card to play that guarantees none of the others can take her spot.
Unhealthy regard for oneself
Voted for Buttigieg because for all his terrible flaws, we're still probably overall better off with Trump.
I heard a rumor that Pete is pretending to be gay?
Probably baseless which means I am spreading it
34 sats \ 0 replies \ @bzzzt 12 Jul
im guessing convention happens, Biden resigns, then cabal picks Newsom and he might win.
13 sats \ 3 replies \ @jgbtc 13 Jul
I think we should just take everybody who's 18 and older and put their name in a hat and pick a random person.
Age 35 or older
13 sats \ 1 reply \ @jgbtc 13 Jul
Oh right.
I don’t think it matters
We can’t vote our way out of decline
I'm sorry I don't watch that ShitShow, what channel is that on, so I can avoid it...lol
I received a text from the Democrats: flash poll will you support Kamala Harris as nominee?
I am on the mail list for both parties for research
The one thing Kamala has going for her (aside from continuity with the current admin, for folks who like it) is that she was a tough prosecutor before she entered politics, and might be able to pick up some tough-on-crime centrists from the undecided pool.
Shapiro maybe?
Kamala might be the best option,but against Trump? Don't see any hope for the Democrats.
Morgan Freeman
It is a hard question. United States are in a very difficult place at this moment. There is no one to blame, but for the parties themselves.
The current 2 candidates are clearly unfit for the role. Both of them being elected will be a huge humiliation for the country. Time is running out and someone needs to step in. Perhaps it is time for an alternative to the 2 traditional parties.
I like not voting!
It's obviously gonna be Harris. She's just in a precarious political position of also being VP. Meaning she can't really speak out loud that the boss is unfit to lead (she would also have to explain why the 25th hasn't been invoked yet).
So she just has to put her name quietly on the ticket and present herself as 100% in line with Joe so that the Dems have an excuse to replace same with same, but younger.